Is it safe to use flush software in stock trading?
You haven't understood the above reply. There is no absolute security. Using any software for encryption and warranty is relatively safe or dangerous, but the security of our personal computer is definitely better than that of the server (unless you don't even have the most basic preventive measures), and the information on our personal computer is far less valuable than that on the server, so few high-level hackers pay attention to your personal account. Remember the famous saying at the hacker conference? "It's easy to make a Windows98 blue screen, but it's very difficult to break into it!" The "safe" you mentioned is a component of Rising 2008, and not any software that needs an account password can be protected by it. For example, there is not much support for stock trading software, and "flush" can support it. In short, take necessary safety precautions, develop good online habits, and don't accept links and files from acquaintances and strangers at will.