Emperor Gaozu was very ill, so Lv Hou asked, "Little Guo Xiang is dead. Who will take his place?" Said, "Cao Can can." Xiao He is very dissatisfied with Hui Di. He asked, "Who can replace you after you 100 years old?" Yes, I said, "I know I am the master." The emperor said, "What about Cao Can?" Yue: "The emperor gets it." Cao Can was in the phase, and when he heard about it, he told Mr. Scheeren that he was interested in running the country, so I entered the phase. If there is nothing to live in, the messenger will call for participation. Zhao Kuo studied the art of war when he was a child. His father is extravagant, but he is not good. He said to his mother, "If Zhao wants to do this, those who break Zhao will include it." Later, Lian Po and Qin were at loggerheads, and Qin had to wait for his daughter to turn against Zhao, saying, "I'm afraid of Zhao Kuo's talent." Wang Zhao replaced an ordinary general with a closed general. Lin Xiangru remonstrated, but Wang did not listen. Mother said in her letter that she couldn't come, but the king didn't listen. The King of Qin heard that Guo Si was a general of Zhao, and it was Yin who made Leitian take the place of Wang Zhong and defeated Zhao. Cao Can took the appropriate as the phase, Gaozu thought it was possible, thought it was possible, Xiao He thought it was possible, and thought it was possible to participate, so Korea used it. Zhao Kuo should not be a general. His father thought it was impossible, his mother thought it was impossible, his ministers thought it was impossible. The king of Qin knew it, and he should know it accordingly. He would know it from Leitian, but the prince of Zhao thought it was possible, so he lost together. Oh! It's about personal safety, don't worry! Besides, Tian Lei was replaced by Wang Zhong in the Qin Dynasty, and Zhao Nai replaced Lian Po with Guo Si, not waiting for the war, but the outcome was already obvious.
Emperor gaozu was seriously ill. Lv Hou asked him, "If Guo Xiang Jr. (Xiao He) dies, who will take his place?" The emperor said, "Cao Can can." Xiao He assisted Han and got sick. The emperor asked him, "If you die, who can replace you?" He replied, "I don't know anyone who is worse than the Lord." The emperor said, "What about Cao Can?" A: "The emperor found the right person." When Cao Can heard that Xiao He had died, he told his people to pack their bags and I would become the prime minister of North Korea. Soon, the messenger came to call Cao Can back to Beijing. Zhao Kuo studied the art of war from childhood, but his father Zhao She couldn't beat him, but he thought he didn't learn it well. He said to his mother, "Zhao Guoru will definitely make him a general, and he will definitely destroy Zhao's army." Later, Lian Po confronted Qin, and Qin's "Queen Won" spied with 1,200 gold and said, "The only person Qin is afraid of is Zhao Kuo." Zhao Xin believed it and replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo. Lin Xiangru dissuaded the prince of Zhao from listening. Zhao Kuo's mother wrote to the prince of Zhao, saying that Zhao Kuo could not be used, but the prince of Zhao wouldn't listen. When the King of Qin heard that Zhao Kuo had become the general of Zhao, he secretly replaced Wang Biao with Tian Lei and defeated Zhao. Cao Can was suitable to be a prime minister, Gaozu thought he could do it, Hui Di thought he could do it, Xiao He thought he could do it, Xiao He thought he could do it, Cao Can thought he could do it, so the Han Dynasty flourished with Cao Can. Zhao Kuo is unfit to be a general. His father knew, his mother knew, the minister knew, the king of Qin knew, the prime minister of Qin should know, the general Tian Lei knew, and only the prince of Zhao didn't know, so he failed. Hey! Will be related to national security, can you be careless? In addition, Qin replaced it, and Zhao replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo. Before the war began, the situation of winning and losing had been divided.