2. If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be general, and if you are general, you will be long-lasting.
3. One yin and one yang are called Tao, which is followed by goodness and completed by nature.
4. A benevolent person sees it and calls it benevolence, a knowledgeable person sees it and calls it knowledge, but the common people don’t know it for daily use; therefore, the way of a gentleman is fresh!
? 5. The way to establish heaven The sun is yin and yang, the way to establish the earth is soft and strong, the way to establish people is benevolence and righteousness.
? 6. Don’t be arrogant when you are in a high position, and don’t worry when you are in a low position.
? 7. Birds of a feather flock together and things divide into groups.
? 8. The couple turns against each other and cannot get married.
? 9. A gentleman uses frugality to overcome difficulties, but cannot use glory and wealth.
? 10. A gentleman’s thoughts are boundless by teaching, and his tolerance and protection of the people are boundless.
? 11. A gentleman's respect is to be straight inward, and righteousness is to be outward.
? 12. A house that accumulates good deeds will surely be blessed; a house that accumulates bad deeds will surely have lingering disasters.
13. Kun is soft but strong when moving, and virtuous when quiet.
14. A humble gentleman is humble enough to shepherd himself.
15. A gentleman will move on when he sees something good, and correct when he sees something wrong.
16. Therefore, Yi has Tai Chi, which generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, four images generate Bagua, Bagua determines good and bad luck, and good and bad luck generates great causes.
17. When it is time to stop, it will stop; when it is time to move, it will move; movement and stillness will not lose its burying, and its path will be bright.
18. When two people are of the same mind, they can break through metal. Words of the same mind are as stinky as orchid.
19. A gentleman will not flatter others when he is in higher positions, nor will he be blasphemy in subordinates.
20. When the sun goes by, the moon comes, and when the moon goes by, the sun comes. The sun and the moon push each other, and the light comes. When the cold goes, the heat comes, and when the heat goes, the cold comes. The cold and the heat push each other, and the years are coming.