Mencius once said a famous saying about morality:
Those who respect others will always be respected by others; those who love others will always be loved by others. ——Mencius
If a gentleman maintains his integrity and cultivates his body, the world will be at peace. ——Mencius
When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others. ?——Mencius
The benevolent are invincible in the world. ——Mencius
Father and son are related, monarch and ministers are righteous, husband and wife are distinguished, elders and young are orderly, friends have trustworthiness——Mencius
Therefore, if the same kind of people are alike, how can they be similar? Is it only for people to doubt it? Saints are like me. ——Mencius
When people today see a child about to fall into a well, they all feel a sense of fear and compassion. It’s not because he wants to be friends with the child’s parents, it’s not because he wants to be praised by his friends in the township party, and it’s not because he dislikes his reputation.
From this point of view, a person without compassion is a non-human being; a person without a heart of shame and disgust is the principle of benevolence; a heart of shame and disgust is the principle of righteousness; a heart of resignation is the principle of etiquette; right and wrong The heart is the end of wisdom; the four ends of human existence. It still has four bodies.
Everyone is intolerant of others. The former king had a heart that could not tolerate others, and this is a government that cannot tolerate others. With a heart that cannot tolerate others, carry out an intolerable government, and govern the world with the palm of your hand.
Three dynasties gained the world with benevolence, and lost the world with unkindness. This is also the reason why the country was abolished, prospered and survived.
Information about Mencius: From 372 BC to 289 BC, his name was Ke and his courtesy name was Ziyu. He was a native of Zou State during the Warring States Period and a descendant of Lu Guoqing's father. A famous thinker and educator in ancient China, and a representative figure of Confucianism during the Warring States Period. Author of "Mencius". Mencius inherited and carried forward Confucius' thoughts and became a generation of Confucian masters second only to Confucius. He was known as the "Senior Sage" and was collectively called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.
Mencius summarized moral norms into four types, namely benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom. At the same time, human relations are summarized into five types, namely, "father and son are related, monarch and ministers are righteous, husband and wife are distinguished, elders and young are orderly, and friends are trustworthy." Mencius believed that among the four benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, benevolence and righteousness are the most important. The foundation of benevolence and righteousness is filial piety and brotherhood, and filial piety and brotherhood are the basic moral norms for dealing with the blood relationship between father and son and brothers. He believed that if every member of society used benevolence and righteousness to deal with various interpersonal relationships, the stability of the feudal order and the unity of the world would be reliably guaranteed.