In terms of talents, they should be about the same. They are both talented and have helped the emperor to conquer the world.
In terms of cultivation, Feng Hou should be more powerful. my country's earliest "Fenghou Eight Formations of War Art" was developed by Huangdi and his general Fenghou. It is not the "Eight Formations" created by Zhuge Liang. For details, please see the Fenghou entry on Baidu Encyclopedia
Who will have the greatest influence on later generations is undoubtedly Zhuge Liang. This is thanks to the novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Because it was the widespread dissemination of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that Zhuge Liang was regarded as a symbol of wisdom among the people. It had a great influence on later generations of operas and literary works. As for Fenghou and Jiang Ziya, there are not many legends due to their long history. Liu Bowen's later low-key retirement also caused him to have no folk influence.
About their works
Feng Hou has "Feng Hou's Eight Formations of War Art Pictures" and "Holding the Qi Jing"
p>Jiang Ziya has one of the classic military books, "Six Tao"
Zhuge Liang has "Execution of the Teacher in the Front", "Execution of the Teacher in the Later", "Commandment to the Son" "Book" etc.
Liu Bowen has "Yu Ion", "Fu Pou Collection", "Love Collection", "Li Mei Gong Collection" and "Spring and Autumn Ming Jing"
What would happen if a similar character appeared again today?
First of all, you have to understand that "times make heroes". If a similar figure appears today, he will most likely build a very large company. Because these are not troubled times, they cannot be allowed to show their full potential. Talent. If they enter politics, they will have to work hard at the grassroots level for several years. It is impossible for them to be re-employed as soon as they come out. This has to do with the fact that we are not in troubled times now!