At school, we learned several articles about Mr. Wang. After reading it, I was deeply moved. In my uncle Lu Xun, I was moved by his concern for the next generation, the country, the people and others. Mr. Wang's concern and trust for the progressive youth and his pursuit and dedication to the revolutionary cause shocked me in one aspect. Mr. Wang cares about the people and the people respect him. From this, I deeply realized the image of Mr. Wang in the people's hearts that will never be erased.
"Look at a thousand fingers coldly, bow down and be a willing ox" is my favorite famous saying, which comes from Mr. Lu Xun's "self-mockery". This sentence made me feel Mr. Lu Xun's resentment and contempt for the enemy and his dedication to the people. It is said that Mr. Wang was still working nonstop a few days before his death, which surprised me. Mr. Wang's pure heart for the people and the motherland, his blood, courage and fighting courage have created the "Chinese backbone", which is integrated into the marrow of the Chinese national spirit and will stand for thousands of years.
He dares to get angry. In the 1930s, facing the rampant aggression of Japanese imperialism and the brutal rule of the Kuomintang headed by Chiang Kai-shek, Mr. Wang stood at the forefront of the battlefield and waged a bitter struggle with the reactionaries. He dares to speak. With the rise of the New Culture Movement, Mr. Wang stood at the forefront of the movement and published the novel Diary of a Madman on 19 18, which profoundly exposed the essence of "cannibalism" in feudal ethics. The article shows the mental pain and illness of China people, aiming at promoting the awakening of national self-consciousness by awakening the numb nerves of Chinese people. He focused on describing the ideological corrosion and poison of feudal autocratic rule and ethics to the oppressed masses.
In my eyes, sir, it is a spiritual symbol left by an era, with a stiff waist and calm and sharp eyes. He is cold, aloof, angry and outspoken. As a teacher, he can enjoy reading. Mr. Wang's articles have been shining for nearly a century. He fought tirelessly, endured silently, pondered painfully, cried anxiously, and nurtured the numb people of China with a little effort. Just like the Yangtze River and Yellow River have been bubbling for thousands of years, the constant is sweet milk; Just like Mount Tai, just like the Great Wall, it has stood for thousands of years, and what remains unchanged is its majestic posture.
Mr. Wang is a Chinese soul that has been condensed for 5,000 years. The Chinese soul is Mr. Wang's high-spirited life so far.