Peng Zuzhe, Dr. Yin also. Last name? His name is Keng. He is the grandson of Emperor Zhuan Xu and the son of Lv Zhong. He lived in the summer to the end of Yin and was over 800 years old. He often eats Gui Zhi and is good at guiding qi. "
Zhuan Xu is the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor. From this perspective, Peng Zu's pedigree is very noble, but according to the records, he was born in the womb and lost his mother at the age of three. Then his longevity has a lot to do with his practice the day after tomorrow.
Ge Hong, a health care scientist in Jin Dynasty, also made a biography for him and systematically expounded his health care theory and method. To sum up, there are the following points:
1. Pay attention to nutrition
It is said that he grew up quietly, indifferent to fame and fortune, did not decorate his clothes, only took health care as a job, didn't say what he wanted to say, and didn't do anything to confuse ghosts, quietism.
2. Pay attention to taking food
Biography says that he often eats some special foods, such as cinnamon, mica powder, elk antler powder and so on. , and advocated that he should take immortality as bait to take medicine, especially the elixir of life.
3. Qi guidance
He often holds his breath from morning till noon, sits up and massages his eyes and body, licks his lips, spits and spits, and starts talking and laughing dozens of times. If the body is tired occasionally, let the mind reach the nine orifices, five internal organs, limbs and hair through thinking. Let the gas cloud wander in the body, from the nose to the fingertips, and soon the body will be harmonious and disease-free.
4. Pay attention to things in men's and women's rooms
He said, "Secondly, it is useless to take medicine when you love the essence and don't know the way of handover." It is to tell people how to know the sex between men and women in health care; Secondly, he said: "The staff sergeant is a different bed, and the sergeant is a different quilt. Lying alone, it is better to eat a thousand tablets. " Tell people that in order to become a "staff sergeant" of practice, husband and wife must sleep in separate beds (of course, live a husband-and-wife life)
Except when. ) Now that the conditions are good, it is better to sleep in separate rooms.
He also compared men and women to the earth. It is believed that heaven and earth can interact and sympathize with each other, so if people can use the technology of connecting yin and yang like heaven and earth, they can live forever and even die.
5. Health needs "no injury".
He said that worrying about hurting people from afar, worrying about hurting people, hurting people from excessive joy, hurting people from anger, gilding the lily to hurt people, and yin and yang are not good. There are many kinds of stupid physical and mental behaviors that harm people's health. If you want to keep in good health seriously, you should avoid these stupid behaviors.