Reading Bible wisdom quotes can help people gain the wisdom to live a beautiful life. The following are the Bible wisdom quotes I have compiled for you. You are welcome to read them.
Excerpts from Bible Wisdom Quotations
He who is easily angered behaves foolishly. He who devises deceit is hated.
The light of the wicked will be extinguished. His fire shall not shine.
The elders speak first. Those who live long should teach others with wisdom.
Abandon evil and do good, and you will live in peace forever.
Extreme happiness brings sorrow.
Foolish people love ignorance, and scorners love scorn.
My soul is troubled and I want to speak. My heart is troubled and I want to express my sorrow.
Wisdom is worth more than pearls.
A well-spoken word is like golden apples in a silver net.
What has happened will happen again. What has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.
It is better to love each other eating vegetarian food than to hate each other eating fattened cattle.
Whoever wants to be first will be last to everyone and their servant.
Those who keep their true command will preserve their lives; those who neglect their own way will surely perish.
The wicked work hard because of their wickedness. What is conceived is poison and what is born is falsehood.
Peace in the heart is the life of the body, jealousy is the decay in the bones.
The ears test the words as the mouth tastes the food.
Be careful to do the things that everyone thinks are beautiful.
He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows sparingly will reap bountifully.
What is gathered in the summer is the son of wisdom. He who sleeps at harvest time is the son of shame.
If a fool remains silent, he can be considered wise. Keeping your mouth shut can also be considered smart.
No one puts new cloth on old clothes. Because the patching that was made ruined the garment, and the damage became even greater.
The indulgent son makes his mother ashamed.
The buyer says, "It's not good, it's not good." But when he buys it, he boasts about it.
The reason why I hate life is because everything I do under the sun seems to me troubles, vanity, and chasing wind.
Don’t be like the ignorant mule or horse, which must be restrained with a bit and bridle, otherwise you will not be able to obey.
The violence of the wicked will surely sweep him away.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
No one knows the value of wisdom.
The triumph of the wicked is temporary, and the joy of the ungodly is but fleeting.
My heart longs for you like a deer longs for the stream.
He who keeps his mouth shut will save his life; he who opens his mouth wide will be destroyed.
Clever as a snake, gentle as a dove.
Anger kills the fool, jealousy kills the obsessed.
The righteous will inherit the earth and dwell therein forever.
When the wicked rise up among the people, there will be wicked people everywhere.
People who are noble but do not wake up are like dead animals.
Those who do evil are detested by the righteous. He who walks uprightly is detested by the wicked.
Whoever kills has no eternal life in him.
Treat others as you would like others to treat you.
A poor but wise young man is better than an old and foolish king who refuses to accept advice.
Whenever a country is divided among itself, it becomes a wasteland. Whenever a family is divided against itself, it will surely fall.
Everyone who asks receives.
Selected Bible Wisdom Quotes
It is better to listen to the rebuke of the wise than to the song of fools.
How can a wild donkey bray if it has grass? How can a cow roar if it has food?
Incline your ears to wisdom and concentrate on seeking wisdom.
It is better to have a piece of dry biscuit where everyone can live in peace when the whole house is full of banquets and everyone is quarreling with each other.
There are mines for silver and methods for refining gold. Iron was dug out of the earth, and copper was melted from the stone.
The mouth of a righteous man speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.
Advocate for the poor and orphans. Do justice to the poor and needy.
The righteous have many sufferings.
Whatever happens to people in the world also happens to beasts, and they are all the same; how this one dies, that one dies in the same way, and the breath is the same. Humans cannot be stronger than beasts, they are all in vain. All return to one place, all came from dust, and all return to dust.
Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, do not stand in the way of sinners, do not sit in the seat of the scornful.
It is better to be patient than to be proud.
Don’t judge right from wrong based on appearance, always judge right from wrong based on fairness.
The son of wisdom always takes wisdom as his right.
It seems reasonable to tell the reason first. But when the neighbor came, he discovered the truth.
Pure words are like silver refined seven times in an earthen furnace.
He who tills his own land will be well fed. Those who follow vanity will suffer poverty.
When a man falls, will he not stretch out his hand? When faced with disaster, will he not seek help?
He who perseveres in righteousness will gain life; whoever pursues evil will surely die.
There is a season for everything, and a time for everything under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build; a time to weep, a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw stones, and a time to heap stones; a time to embrace, There is a time not to embrace; a time to look for, a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to abandon.
Shake the milk and it will turn into cream; twist the nose and it will bleed. Likewise, the excitement of anger leads to strife.
In the way of righteousness there is life, and in its way there is no death.
Behold, the oppressed weep and have no one to comfort them; their oppressors are powerful and have no one to comfort them. Therefore, I praise the dead who are long dead more than the living who are still alive. And I consider that he who has not been born, who has not seen evil under the sun, is greater than both.
Do not have mercy on the wicked who practice deceit.
Whoever desires to live, to live long, and to enjoy good blessings, must restrain his tongue from speaking evil, and his lips from speaking deceit.
Do not slander others with your tongue, do not treat your friends badly, and do not join in the slander of your neighbors.
Lend to others without expecting to repay.
Cease your anger and forsake your anger. Don't be grievous and do evil.
Those who pursue justice and kindness will find righteousness and honor in life.
The Son can only do what the Father has done. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.
The old are wise, and the long-lived are knowledgeable.
Those who do evil will be cut off.
Life is bound to encounter adversity, just like the soaring sparks.
To stay away from evil is to be wise.
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The wicked borrow and do not repay. But a righteous man is kind and gives alms.
A king cannot win with more troops. A brave man cannot be saved by his strength.
Be like a tree planted by streams, it bears fruit in season and its leaves do not wither.
Not all noble people are wise. Not everyone who lives a long life understands fairness.
How can cattail grow long without mud? How can reed grow hair without water?
Foolish and unlearned debates must always be abandoned.
Forgiving others’ faults is one’s own glory.
People must not deceive themselves.
People do not live by food alone.
Whoever flatters his neighbor sets a snare for his feet.
The little that a righteous man has is better than the abundance of many wicked ones.
A whitewashed tomb may look good on the outside, but inside it is full of dead people’s bones and all filth.