1. Confucius’ famous saying: Be respectful in your place, respectful in your work, and loyal to others. If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand. Do to others what you do not want others to do.
2. Laozi’s famous saying: “Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao. Names can be named, but names are not.” The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. The sage is unkind and treats the common people as stupid dogs. If you know or don’t know, go ahead. I don’t know it
3. Mozi’s famous sayings include love for each other, mutual benefit and love for others are no more than oneself, and oneself brings benefit to the world and eliminates harm to the world
4. Mencius’ famous sayings When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others. The world can be transported in the palm of your hand. There is nothing greater than respecting one's relatives as a filial son. Father and son are related, monarch and ministers are righteous, husband and wife are different, elders and children are related, and friends are trustworthy.
5. Xunzi’s famous saying: Green comes from blue, but is better than blue. Although the road is short, it is impossible to reach it. Although the matter is small, it will not be accomplished if it is not done. Therefore, if you do not accumulate steps, you cannot reach a thousand miles; if you do not accumulate small streams, you cannot reach a river or sea.
6. Han Feizi’s famous saying: Get rid of the good and the evil, and the ministers will see the truth. The Tao is invisible and used in the unknowable. The nature of the people is that they hate work but enjoy it. Absence means desolation, desolation means no governance, no governance leads to chaos, and those who are not rewarded and punished in the world will be imprisoned
7. Zhuangzi's famous saying: Everyone values ??profit, honest people value reputation, wise people value ambition, and saints value essence. There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart, and the death of a person is also the second most. In life, if a white horse passes through the gap between heaven and earth, it will happen suddenly.