Original text
The people from Yi Feng asked to see him and said, "I can't help but see what a gentleman is doing." The follower saw it. He said: "Why are the second and third sons worried about mourning? The world has been without virtue for a long time, and the sky will regard the master as a wooden priest."
The chief of Yi this place asked to see him Confucius, he said: "I have never failed to see any gentleman who comes here." Confucius's disciples led him to see Confucius. After he came out, he said (to the students of Confucius): "Why do you have to worry about not having an official position? The world has been unruly for a long time, and God will call Confucius a saint."
The original text was Chang Ju, Jie indulged his wife in plowing, Confucius passed it, and made Zilu ask about it.
Chang Ju said: "Who is the leader of the government?" Zilu said: "It is Confucius." Said: " Shi Lu and Confucius said: "That's right." He said: "It's Zhi Jin."
Asked Jie Dun, Jie Dun said: "Who is the son?" He said: "It's Zhong You." He said: "This is a disciple of Lu Kongqiu." He said to him: "Yes." He said: "Those who are eloquent are all in the world, but whoever makes it easy and follows the people who pioneered others, how can it be like following the people who pioneered the world?" "You are so cowardly that you will not stop.
Zi was walking on the road to report. Master said with regret: "Birds and beasts cannot be of the same group. I am not a follower of the people of this world. Who is in the right way with the world? Qiu will not follow "Yi Ye."
Changju and Jie were farming together. Confucius passed by and asked Zilu to ask where the ferry was.
Changju asked. Zilu asked, "Who is that one holding the reins?" Zilu said, "It's Confucius." Changju said, "Is it Confucius from the state of Lu?" Zilu said, "Yes." Changju said, "Then he has been there for a long time." I know the location of the ferry."
Zi Lu asked Jie Dun again. Jie Dun said, "Who are you?" Zilu said, "I am Zhong You." Jie Dun said, "You are Kong from the state of Lu." Are you a disciple of Qiu?" Zilu said, "Yes." Jie Zhong said, "Bad things like floods are everywhere. Who are you going to work with to change them? And instead of following people who avoid people, why don't you follow those of us who avoid society? "Where are the people?" After saying this, he continued to do farm work in the fields.
Zilu came back and reported the situation to Confucius. Confucius said disappointedly: "Humans cannot be gregarious with birds and beasts*** If you don't deal with the people in the world, who will you deal with? If the world is peaceful, I will not work with you to engage in reform."
Original text Chu Kuang took the song and passed by Confucius and said: " The phoenix is ??like the phoenix! What's wrong with the past? You can still pursue those who have come. That's it! Those who are in politics today are in danger!" Confucius came down and wanted to talk to him. Try to get rid of them, but don't talk to them.
Translation: The madman Jie Yu from Chu State sang a song and passed by Confucius' chariot. He sang: "Phoenix bird, phoenix bird! Why has your virtue declined? Things in the past can no longer be changed. It’s still too late for things to happen in the future. Forget it, forget it! Those who are in politics are in danger now?” Confucius got out of the car and wanted to talk to him. Jieyu quickly walked away, and Confucius could not talk to him.
Original text After Zilu came to the country, he met his father-in-law, holding a straw with his staff. Zilu asked, "Have you met the master?" The father-in-law said, "If the four bodies are not diligent and the five grains are not separated, who is the master?" He planted his staff and stood on the road. He killed the chickens and ate them. Tomorrow, Zilu went to tell him. , then it will be done. Zilu said: "Not being an official has no righteousness. The relationship between elders and young people cannot be abolished; how can we abolish the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers? If you want to clean your body, you will mess with the general ethics. A gentleman's official duties must be carried out accordingly. Righteousness. If the Tao is not feasible, it is already known."
Zi Lu followed Confucius and fell behind. He met an old man carrying a weeding tool on his crutches. Zilu asked, "Have you seen my teacher?" The old man said, "If the four limbs are not diligent and the five grains are not separated, how can you say that you are a teacher?" After saying this, Zilu stood respectfully with his hands clasped while weeding the cane.
The old man stayed at his house, killed the chicken, made rice for him, and asked his two sons to come out to meet Zilu.
The next day. Zilu caught up with Confucius and reported the matter to him. Confucius said, "He is a hermit." He asked Zilu to go back and see him again. Zilu said: "It is wrong not to be an official. The relationship between elders and children cannot be abandoned; how can the relationship between monarch and ministers be abandoned? Wanting to be innocent destroys the fundamental ethical relationship between monarch and ministers. A gentleman is an official, just In order to implement the righteousness of the king and his ministers, I have known for a long time that the way is not feasible."
Original text
Zi Lu stayed at Shimen. Chenmen said, "Xi Zi?" Said: "From Kong." He said: "Who knows it is impossible and does it?"
Zilu spent the night at Shimen. The man guarding the city gate asked: " Where did it come from?" Zilu said, "From Kong.
"The gatekeeper said: "Is he the one who knows he can't do it but still does it? ”
Just one answer for you (I am also studying liberal arts in my second year of high school)