When entering the palace, Zhang Rang and others asked blades, "The chaos in the world is not just the sin of our generation. The first emperor was at odds with the queen mother and almost abolished her. We cried for help, and each of us took out his family wealth as a gift, just to rely on your portal. Is it too much to kill our race now? You said that the palace was filthy and dirty. Who is honest and honest under the officials? " So he ordered Qumu to draw his sword and beheaded blades in front of the temple. , paragraph, etc. Send a letter, using Laoqiu as the official school, and Shaofu Xu Xiang as Henan Yin. Shangshu wrote a letter to the chessboard, suspecting that it was false, and said, "Please ask the general to come out and discuss it together." The Chinese imperial gate threw He Jin's head to Shangshu and said, "He Jin's rebellion has been killed." So Yuan Shao and others took this opportunity to lead the troops into the palace and kill all the eunuchs. Then Dong was called to Beijing, and soon he abolished the little emperor Liu Bian, established Liu Xie, forced He Taihou to die, and killed He Taihou's mother Wu Yang. The Ho family perished, the authority of the last consort in the Eastern Han Dynasty was eradicated, and the Han Dynasty also went to war.