Edward Bella's breakup dialogue
Part⒎ -Hey. -Come for a walk with me.We got to leave Forks. -Why? -Carlisle's supposed to be ten years older than he looks.People are starting to notice. -Okay,I..I gotta think of something to say to Charlie.When you say "we"? -I mean to my family and myself. -Edward, what happened with Jasper.It's nothing. -You're right.It was nothing.Nothing the way I always expected.And nothing compared to what could have happened .You just don't belong to my world,Bella. -I belong with you. -No,you don't. -I'm coming. -Bella.I don't want you to come. -You don't want me? -No. -This changes things.Alright. -But if it's not too much to ask.Can you at least promise me something? Don't do anything reckless.For Charlie's sake.And I'll promise something to you in return.This is the last time you'll ever see me.I won't come back.An d you can go on with your life without any interference from me.It will be like I never existed,I promise. -If this is about my soul,take it, I don't want it without you. -It's not about your soul.You're just not good for me. -I'm not good enough for you? -I'm just sorry,I let this go on for so long. -Please..don't... -Goodbye. -Edward? Edward! Edward! .....-Hi! -Walk with me. We're leaving fox. -Why? -Carlisle's appearance should be ten years older than it is now, and people are beginning to notice this. -Well, I'll-I'll find a way to explain it to Charlie. What do you mean by "we"? -I mean my family and myself. Edward, I don't mind what Jasper did. -That's right. Never mind. What I've been expecting doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter compared with what should have happened. Bella, you just don't belong in my world. -I belong to you. -No, you're not. -I'm coming with you. -Bella, I don't want you to come with me. -You don't want me? -Don't. (~ no! ~)-This will change many things. All right. -If it's not too much, can you promise me something small? Don't act rashly. Do it for Charlie. And in return, I will promise you something. I promise, this is the last time you see me, and I won't come back. You can go on with your life without me bothering you. You can pretend I never showed up, I promise. -If it's my soul, just take it. I don't want to lose you. -It's not about your soul. You just don't deserve me. (~ heartbreaking ~)-I don't deserve you, do I? (~ I know very well that I don't deserve him ~)-I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. -Please, don't do this. -Bye. -Edward? Edward! Edward! ..... (~ crying ~)