Mr. Wang: Confucius said, isn't it pleasant to apply (knowledge) to life and work after learning it? Isn't it happy to have like-minded friends from afar, get together with friends and colleagues, talk about work and life, and talk about dreams? People don't know you and don't recognize your talent. Instead of promoting you, the company promoted someone who you think is inferior to you. You are not angry or resentful, but you can continue to do your work well. Isn't that a morally cultivated person?
A Confucius said, "He is also filial, but he who likes to make mistakes is rare; Those who are not good at making mistakes but are good at making trouble are not good at it. A gentleman's business is based on the foundation and the Tao is born. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! "
Mr. Wang: A son said that if you are filial to your parents and elders and lenient to your brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues, you will rarely do anything that doesn't respect your elders or superiors. If he knows how to respect his elders and superiors, he will rarely do anything that violates the law and discipline. A gentleman pays attention to the fundamentals of being a man. This is simply filial piety, and this is basically established, and people will be able to do things well. Filial piety should be the root of benevolence.
Confucius said, "Clever words make you look good, which makes you fresh!"
Mr. Wang: Confucius said, if you say something nice, you should be sycophantic. Such people rarely have kindness in their hearts. Lingse: act according to your face. I should do whatever the leader likes, which is not right. Do your job well and don't need to please the leader. You don't need to be sycophantic to learn skills well. How do you behave and do things? After a long time, everyone will know.
4 Zeng Zi said, "I visit myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful for others? Make friends without believing them? Can't you learn it? "
manager Wang: Ceng Zi said that I reflect on three things every day: first, as a human minister, have I done my duty? In the present words, how was your work today? Did you try your best? Every day, we need to write a summary of our work and reflect on what we have done badly and what needs to be improved. The second thing: when dealing with friends, colleagues and customers, is it honest? Did you do what you promised others? The third thing: Is the knowledge learned really applied to practice? What is the result of practice? Are you satisfied with yourself and others?
5 Confucius said, "A country that has traveled thousands of times, respects things and believes, saves money and loves others, so that people can keep abreast of the times."
Mr. Wang: Confucius said that to lead a big country, we should do things strictly and conscientiously, abide by our credit and be sincere. We should save financial expenses and care for the people; We should use the right time to mobilize different people to do different things. Should we also abide by this principle in running enterprises and managing them? Diligence and thrift are very necessary in our company at any time.
Confucius said, "Disciples are filial when they enter, and younger brothers when they leave. They are sincere and believe, and they love all the people. While they are kind and have spare capacity, they learn from literature."
Mr. Wang: This is the origin of Disciples' Rules. At home, we should do filial piety well, respect and be filial to our elders, and let them live with dignity; When you do things outside, you should treat your friends and colleagues as brothers and sisters. Brothers are tolerant and respectful, and brothers and sisters should love, help, understand and tolerate each other. We should be strict in our words and deeds, do not talk big, be sure to be honest with others, and do better than promised. Since you have done a certain post, you must try your best to do better. Born as human beings, we are all equal lives; The same is true in the company, but the positions are different, there is no distinction between high and low, and all life deserves respect and care. We should get closer to those people with good conduct, benevolence and morality, make more friends with them and look up to them. When all this is done, people will be done well, and then we can learn skills and learn the skills to make a living.
7 Zi Xia said, "Virtuous men change their colors; Parents can do their best; Being a gentleman can lead to his body; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not learned, I will call it learning. "
manager Wang: the first sage: close; The second sage: talented people, color: wealth, things outside the body. We should approach talented people instead of pursuing money, womanhood and so on. Filial piety is what we try our best to do; To serve the monarch is to serve the country. For all of you here, that's working at home. Do you devote yourself wholeheartedly to doing things for the company? Get along with friends and colleagues, is it true to your word? If a person does well in the above three aspects, even if he has no cultural knowledge or academic qualifications, I would say that he must be a good learner and have learned to the extreme.
In the process of explaining the above seven items in The Analects of Confucius, Mr. Wang said that with the growing number of family-linked companies and more and more family-linked people, his responsibility is becoming more and more important. Talking about the Analects of Confucius really wants all our family members to learn to be human beings and make some contributions to society. Jialian is a big family, and all employees are brothers and sisters. We all make mistakes. It's not terrible to make mistakes, but the attitude and lessons learned after making mistakes are the most important. People grow up through mistakes and failures. We should be good at summing up useful experiences for ourselves, so as to change ourselves. Brothers, friends and brothers, we should have a broad mind, and brothers and sisters should be friendly and help each other. In our family association, when we are free, we can ask a few colleagues to get together and chat, and talk about our dreams of coming to our family association and our dreams for the future. When we get home, we should be filial to our elders, educate our children by example, and family education should be more important than school education and social education. Mr. Wang said earnestly that we can't have less education and companionship for our children, and we should spare all our time to accompany our children wholeheartedly after work, even if it's only for one hour. Listen to your child's voice. If your child encounters something confusing, give him an analysis and bring him a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values. Schools can teach children cultural knowledge, but the habit of doing things and thinking must be developed at home. If parents quarrel at home because of a little thing, children will also have conflicts with others because of a little unhappiness when they are exposed to it. Some parents don't do anything when they get home. Parents really teach by example, and they should put down their posture at home. Anyone who has time can take the initiative to do some housework. We should not only do a good job at work, but also do a good job as parents, sons, daughters, husbands and wives in our lives and families.