There is an old saying: "People respect others, but dogs bite ugly." People dare not make irresponsible remarks to the rich, flatter them to their faces, pay attention to them behind their backs, and say how they are. This is called bullying. On the surface, you respect others, but on the inside, you are not convinced. I thought, how can he be better than me? Hum, life is better than me. As far as talent is concerned, it is not necessarily much better than me.
When your career fails, or you are incompetent, life is very difficult. People will laugh at you, because there are fewer people who give charcoal in the snow and more people who fall when they are down. A gossip will pay attention to you everywhere and say how you are.
When my family lived in the countryside at that time. There is a barber, a sick wife and three little boys. They live in poverty. Someone pays attention to his family behind his back, and the second son is not good-looking, so he is nicknamed Erben. Later, when the barber became the captain of the production team, people immediately changed their minds and said that the second boy was dignified and strong, and he must have a bright future.
In a word, I think it is a normal state of society to hate people and laugh at them! As the old saying goes, "A man's mouth has two skins." Turn it over. What you say is good depends on how your family life is. Many people flatter you, think you are poor and laugh at you. Personal opinion, don't spray if you don't like it.
I think this phenomenon is universal, so let's take it as a social norm.
For example, Zhu Zhiwen is very rich now, and many people in his village ask him for money. If they don't lend it to these people, they won't speak well of him.
Zhu Zhiwen spent a lot of money and did a lot of good deeds for this village. People in their family often come to visit and shoot videos. Earn money from their family. I remember once, two people passed by his door and kicked their door with their feet. These people don't hate those who laugh poorly. If Zhu Zhiwen had no money, people wouldn't look down on them.
Jealousy and ridicule come from the huge imbalance of people's personal wealth, because the poor will have a mentality of hating the rich for a long time, while too many poor people around the rich will have a mentality of ridicule for too long, so this is all because of the gap between the rich and the poor.
When the poor have made great efforts and still can't see the hope of getting rich, it is normal to watch the rich constantly show off and pretend to be forced every day, and it is inevitable that anyone will have the mentality of hating the rich.
When the rich swim at the top every day and watch the bottom climb desperately but always stand still, it is inevitable that there will be a laughing attitude. It can be said that at least 99 of the 100 rich people look down on the bottom;
The gap between the rich and the poor has always been an unsolved problem in all countries of the world, so hating the rich and laughing at the poor will basically continue, but some countries are few and some countries are generally many;
This phenomenon is quite common in China, and the country has been striving to shout the slogan of eliminating poverty. Although the gap between propaganda and reality has been turned upside down, we can't say anything but let this state continue to develop.
Well, finally, I'd like to say a few nice words and wish the motherland an early and strong future. The most important thing is to think more about the difficulties of the bottom people and give them a chance to live.
The pigskin daughter-in-law completely inherits the insatiable quality of pigskin and tastes ugly. Is the most worthless thing among women! Because a fool can see that he can pay anything for money! This bottomless animal is so cheap!