A long time ago, there was a child who was not filial to his parents. The parents had no choice but to hand him over to his uncle. My uncle is a sheep herder. Although he is uneducated, he is very good at educating his children. He said to the child's parents: "Leave your nephew to me. After a while, he will change his mind and become a good boy who respects his parents." The next day, the child's parents sent the child to his uncle's house. When the uncle saw his nephew, he neither scolded nor beat him. Without saying a word, he handed a sheep whip to his nephew. One noon in June, the sun burned the hillside like a fireball, and the birds hid in the shade of the trees. The uncle also took his nephew to enjoy the shade under a big tree. At this time, there were several little crows flying around under the hot sun. The nephew curiously asked his uncle: "Aren't these little crows afraid of the heat? What are they doing flying around?" The uncle pointed to the bird's nest on the big tree and said, "There is an old bird in the bird's nest that is so old that it can fly." The motionless crow is raising its head and opening its mouth, waiting for its children to feed it. If these sensible little crows don't feed it, it will starve to death. They go out early and come back late every day, working hard to feed their children. When the old crow is too old to go out for food, its children will go out to look for delicious food to honor the old crow and take care of it, and never feel bored. Until the old crow dies naturally, it is called: "The crow feeds back"! My nephew listened and lowered his head silently.
After a pause, the uncle said again: "Crows still know how to feed their parents, but don't people know how to be filial to their parents?" After listening to his uncle's words, the nephew cried with regret. From then on, he became a well-known filial son. ! in