As can be seen from the video, the Ukrainian army without air cover is charging forward on the flat plain. However, just as the Ukrainian army quickly charged forward, Russian artillery shells began to pour down, and a large number of artillery shells exploded accurately in the middle of the formation charged by the Ukrainian army. This scene is really cruel. Groups of Ukrainian soldiers were directly hit by shells, and they were all estimated to be dead. The shells fired by the Russian army will produce a large number of shell fragments after explosion, which will cause serious trauma to Ukrainian soldiers. Even if the Ukrainian soldiers did not fall directly after the shell exploded, the shrapnel would do great damage to the internal organs of the Ukrainian soldiers after hitting the body. These soldiers can charge temporarily, but they will fall down after a while because of the rupture of their internal organs.
This scene can be described as painful to watch, because the commander asked them to charge blindly, but the result became cannon fodder. The Ukrainian soldiers in the video have a low probability of survival. The Russian army controls the air superiority, and has a variety of reconnaissance methods for the battlefield situation, which is generally dominant. Although the Russian army rarely takes the initiative to attack again for various reasons, it still has many advantages in the face of the Ukrainian army fighting back on the plane. Ukraine announced that it had occupied several villages and recaptured several strongholds in the counterattack, but these strongholds did not have much defense capability because they had no air cover.
The war report disclosed by the Russian army shows that during the counter-offensive of the 6th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian army, the Russian army violently covered the Ukrainian army with heavy weapons such as rockets, and all two battalions under the Mechanized Brigade were annihilated. It is reported that the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander of one of the battalions were killed by Russian artillery shells at the same time, which was very tragic. The photo of Captain Igor Tretya, the deputy battalion commander killed by Russian troops, was also published. The battlefield is cruel. In the absence of air superiority and firepower superiority, it is indeed a very dangerous action to carry out counter-offensive in plain areas only by relying on the number advantage of ground infantry.
A large number of Ukrainian soldiers fell during the charge, and they died tragically under Russian artillery fire. This scene is a common scene in World War II. Ukrainian soldiers charge back, but they have no air superiority and firepower superiority, and they are also very fragile. Shoigu introduced that Russian troops controlled the village of Peshchi, a large-scale defense center operated by Ukrainian troops for eight years, not far from Avdeev Card. Shoigu said that in the past month, Russian troops attacked 174 brigade-level command posts and 60 1 set of heavy weapons and artillery systems. Obviously, Ukraine's counterattack is still very costly. Ukraine is eager to fight back because winter is coming and there is not much time left for them.