With the arrival of kiosks, there is an old saying: put green plums on the plate and cook wine in the bottle. The two sat opposite each other and drank heartily. Halfway through the wine, suddenly the clouds were cold and the rain came. Pointing to the dragon hanging in the sky, Cao Cao and Liu Bei looked at it from the fence. Cao Cao said, "Do you know the change of dragons?" Liu Bei said, "I don't know the details." Cao Cao said, "Dragons can be big or small, they can be raised or hidden; It's cloudy and foggy when it's big, and it's hidden when it's small; Rise and fly in the universe, hide and lurk in the waves. This spring is deep, dragons change with time, Jews succeed and travel all over the world. The dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero in the world. Liu Bei has been traveling around the world for a long time. He must know the contemporary heroes. Please try to point it out. " Liu Bei said, "Let the naked eye know the hero?" Cao Cao said, "Don't be too modest." Liu Bei said, "If you are ready for grace, you can serve in the imperial court. Heroes in the world are really nameless. " Cao Cao said, "I don't know his face, but I also know his name." Liu Bei said, "Yuan Shu in Huainan is a hero because he has enough soldiers and food." Cao Cao laughed and said, "I will catch the dead bones in the grave sooner or later!" " Liu Bei said: "Yuan Shao, Hebei Province, has four generations and three publics, and there are many old officials;" Now that the tiger lives in Jizhou, there are more men who can do things. Can they be heroes? Cao Cao laughed and said, "Yuan Shao is greedy and timid. He always makes plans. Do great things and cherish your life, but forget your life when you see Xiao Li: you are not a hero. Liu Bei said, "There was a man named Bajun who made a great impact on Kyushu. Is Liu Can Jingsheng a hero? " Cao Cao said, "Liu has a hollow reputation, but he is not a hero." Liu Bei said: "There is a bloody person, and Sun Bofu, the leader of Jiangdong League, is a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Sun Ce is not a hero in the name of his father." Liu Bei said, "Liu Yuji, from Yizhou, is she a hero?" Cao Cao said, "Although Liu Zhang is an imperial clan, he is a dog's ear. How can he be a hero? " Liu Bei said, "What about Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu and Han Sui?" Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed and said, "What a shame!" Liu Bei said, "I really don't know anything else." Cao Cao said: "A hero has ambition, a good plan in his belly, an opportunity to hide the universe, and an ambition to breathe heaven and earth." Liu Bei said, "Who can it be?" Cao Cao pointed to Liu Bei with his finger, then pointed to himself and said, "Only the monarch and Cao Er are heroes in the world today!" Hearing this, Liu Bei was taken aback and the spoon in his hand fell to the ground. It rained and thundered. Liu Bei calmly lowered his head and said, "The power of the earthquake is even here." Cao Cao laughed and said, "Is the husband also afraid of thunder?" Liu Bei said: "saints change in lightning speed, so they are not afraid."