The Duke of Zhou feared the day of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time
From Bai Juyilt; let the news gt;
Gift You can use your method to resolve your doubts, so there is no need to drill turtles and Zhu Ping.
It takes three days to test the jade, and seven years to identify the material.
The Duke of Zhou was afraid of the day of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time.
Xiang Shi died that year. Who knows the authenticity of his life.
This poem generally says that there are true and false characters. You need to be evil to know its beauty, and you need to be good to know its evil.
The first sentence talks about Duke Zhou. Duke Zhou assisted his brother King Wu in conquering the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou family in the world for eight hundred years. When King Wu was ill, the Duke of Zhou wrote a letter to tell Heaven that he was willing to take his own life. Hidden in a golden cabinet, no one knows about it. Later, when King Wu died and the prince became the king at a young age, the Duke of Zhou held the prince on his knees and presented himself to the princes. There were concubine brothers Guan Shu and Cai Shu who were jealous of Duke Zhou, so they spread rumors that Duke Zhou had bullied their young master and usurped the throne soon. King Cheng was suspicious. Duke Zhou resigned from his post and fled to the Eastern Kingdom with fear in his heart. One day, strong winds and thunder fell from the sky, which opened the golden chamber. King Cheng saw the inscriptions in the book and knew the loyalty of Duke Zhou. He welcomed him back to the throne and executed Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai. If rumors about Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai start to spread, Duke Zhou dies of illness, and the gold plaque is not written yet, who will tell him apart? Will future generations regard good people as evil people?
The second sentence talks about Wang Mang. Wang Mang was the uncle of Emperor Ping of the Western Han Dynasty and was a treacherous man. The Prime Minister is authoritative and has the intention of usurping the Han Dynasty. Afraid of people's dissatisfaction, they will be humble and respectful, pretend to be fair and bluff their achievements. There are 487,572 people in the counties and counties in the world who are said to have meritorious deeds. Mang knew that people's hearts would return to his own, so he became Emperor Ping, moved to the Queen Mother, and established himself as king. The name of the country was changed to Xin, eighteen years ago. Until Liu Wenshu of Nanyang raised troops to restore the Han Dynasty and was executed. If Wang Mang had died eighteen years earlier, wouldn't he have gone down in history as a fully qualified and virtuous prime minister? Don’t you treat evil people as good people?