(zh ǐ x zhǐx zhōu guān f ng Huǒ ǒ, bǖ bùx b m:I xing di m:n dēng d ē ng), officials allowed to set fire to run amok, while ordinary people were not allowed to light lamps. Refers to the reactionary rulers themselves can run amok, but ordinary people even have to be restricted from legal activities. From the Song Dynasty's Notes on the Old Learning Hall, Volume 5: "Tian Deng is a county, and his name is hidden. Those who touch it will be angry, and his officials will be condemned. So for the country, the light is fire. At the end of the yuan dynasty, people were allowed to visit the state, and officials later published a list of books in the city, saying that' the state was set on fire for three days as usual'.