There are countless such idioms. Take Qin and Han Dynasties as an example. From Guangwu to Chen Sheng, they rose with great ambition, and soon they were defeated. Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu were born, and Xiang Yu was powerful. He lifted the tripod from the mountain, fought the battle of giant deer, and burned ships. At the Hongmen Banquet, Xiang Zhuang danced his sword to show his loyalty. Liu Bang fled and lived in Bashu, where he was at peace with Han Xin. When Han Xin was killed, the rabbit died and the dog cooked. Sure enough, Xiao He succeeded and I was defeated.
In just a few years, so many idioms have emerged from the above description, which are in line with historical stories.
Therefore, learning idioms is not only about reciting the source, usage, synonyms, synonyms and antonyms of idioms, but also about the historical stories and inheritance behind them.
When I tell my children idioms, I often prepare materials in advance for them to understand.
Parents should pay attention!