Civilized in spirit, brutal in body. Mao Zedong
Doctors are the essence of our civilized world. Scottish novelist, poet and travel writer Robert Lou Stevenson
Schools are the source of the evolution of civilization. Named Sun Wen, the pioneer of China's modern democratic revolution, the founder of the Republic of China and the Chinese Kuomintang, and the advocate of the Three People's Principles Sun Yat-sen
Civilization is to create cultivated people. Famous quotes about civilization by Ruskin, a 19th-century British writer and social activist
Friendship produces happiness, and civilization brings harmony. French writer Hugo
Civilization is not built on machines but on ideas. Russian writer Leo Tolstoy
Civilization depresses the many and praises the very few. American writer Alcott
Promoting academic scholarship and enlightening civilization, planting peaches and plums is the most affectionate. Civilization Quotes Cai Yuanpei, a famous democratic revolutionary and educator in modern China
True civilization is the result of everyone cultivating happiness. Japanese novelist Koda Rohan
With the development of civilization, poetry is almost bound to decline. British historian and politician Macaulay