First, a minister who is proud of himself.
In ancient times, there was a king who liked extravagance and waste. One day, in order to please the king, the minister held an extremely luxurious banquet for the king.
The minister invited the most famous dignitaries in China to attend the banquet, and asked top designers to design the most luxurious clothes for the king. After the banquet, the minister accompanied the king to meet the guests.
All the guests present praised the splendor of the banquet and the talent of the minister before the king. At first, the king was also satisfied with this matter and praised the minister.
Hearing the praise from the king and everyone, the minister thought, "You all saw my talent, but I did it all by myself!" " "For a moment, I felt dignified and powerful. When I thought about it, the minister was on cloud nine, and before I knew it, I walked side by side with the king!
The next day, the minister was arrested by the king on the pretext of wasting state property, and less than a month later, the minister was executed.
It turned out that the king saw that the minister not only took all the credit for himself, but also dared to walk side by side with himself and stole his thunder, so he held a grudge and killed the minister.
This is a famous fable in the west.
This fable tells us a truth: one should not be arrogant. If you want to get the responsibility of leadership, you need to show your talents appropriately, but not excessively. You should attribute the final credit to the help of your colleagues and the support of your leaders.
Second, success and prosperity.
Laozi said in the Tao Te Ching: You were born without it, but you don't rely on it, and you are rich and successful. It is impossible for a husband to live in a house.
This sentence means: raise everything without taking it for yourself, raise everything without taking advantage of yourself, and achieve everything without claiming merit. It is precisely because you don't take credit that your grades won't leave.
Contrary to Lao Tzu's sentence, the wrong mentality and behavior are: always have me, make great contributions, work on my own, live in the world forever, take credit for myself and always be in front of others.
Laozi's words warned us that we must follow the laws of heaven and earth to nourish everything. No matter leaders or managers, they should not rely on themselves and should not brag about themselves.
Buddhists also said: things should come, and things will go clean. Although they should, their hearts are clean; Although meritorious, but not persistent, not separated, can not afford to move; No ego, no human, no longevity, no credit, no pride.
In ancient China, a companion was like a tiger. As a courtier, he was dismissed from office and demoted by carelessness, but he was copied from the same door. The ancients had a profound understanding of success and prosperity.
Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and established the Western Han Dynasty. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Bang went to the Western Seas, expanded territory and handed over the home front to Xiao He. Xiao He helped Lv Hou get rid of Han Xin in the rear, and won the appreciation of Liu Bang. Liu decided to make Xiao He the prime minister and give him five thousand grain cities.
Xiao He was very happy when he learned that, and the ministers of civil and military affairs in the DPRK also congratulated him. Xiao He suddenly got carried away and began to get carried away.
After learning about it, Chen Ping secretly told Xiao He: "Your life is coming to an end! Home is outside, the biggest worry is that the backyard is on fire. Han Xin's rebellion made the home very scared, so he instructed to get rid of it. On the surface, his holiness is rewarding you this time, but in fact he is not at ease with you for fear that you will rebel. "
"If you accept raised, that means you are self-reliant, make the family have doubts, and you will be in trouble. You might as well throw away all the rewards, sell all the property in your family to pay for the army and fund the holy family to fight abroad. Only in this way can you completely relieve the worries of the holy family and ensure the safety of yourself and your family. "
Xiao He broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this. He thinks what Chen Ping said is very reasonable. He hurriedly pushed Liu Bang away to raise rewards and sold all his possessions to pay for the army.
Liu was overjoyed when he learned that he was full of praise for Xiao He, and his hanging heart was put down.
Third, great wisdom in the workplace
No matter where you are, if you want to gain the trust of leaders, you should pay attention to:
First, if you make achievements, give credit to the leaders at the first time. Because without the authorization and support of leaders, there will be no achievements for you; And you don't know whether the leader is open-minded or narrow-minded, so be careful;
Second, the more achievements you make, the more humble you should be in front of your colleagues and leaders. Don't get carried away, and don't show off your achievements and contributions in front of the leaders, lest colleagues be jealous and the leaders be disgusted.
In short, to be a man, you should have a grateful heart. After you have made achievements, you should show great pride and share your achievements and glory with your colleagues and leaders, so as to win everyone's support and be reused by leaders.