Shi Kuang said: "How dare you, a blind minister, to play tricks on your emperor? I heard that: when you are young, you are eager to learn, like the rising sun; when you are strong, you are eager to learn, like the light of the sun; when you are old, you are like the light in the sun.
Being eager to learn is like holding a candle to be enlightened, what is wrong with practicing ignorance?"
Excerpted from "Studying at the Seventy Years Old" of Jin Ping Gong
Original text
Ping Gong of Jin asked Shi Kuang said: "I am seventy years old. I want to learn, but I am afraid it is already twilight." Shi Kuang said: "Why not Bingzhu?" ?”
Shi Kuang said: “How dare you, a blind minister, play tricks on your king?” I heard: When you are young, you are eager to learn, like the rising sun; when you are strong, you are eager to learn, like the light of the sun; when you are old, you are p>
If you are eager to learn, you are as bright as holding a candle, what is wrong with ignorance?"
Ping Gong said: "How good!"
Ping Gong of Jin Asked Shi Kuang: "I am already seventy years old. I want to study, but I am afraid it is too late."
Shi Kuang replied: "Why don't you light a candle?"
Ping Gong said: "Why do some ministers make fun of the king?"
Shi Kuang said: "How dare I, a blind minister, make fun of the king? I heard that young people are eager to learn, like the rising sun in the morning; young men are eager to learn, like the sun in the sky; Old age is as bright as a lit candle, right?"
Ping Gong said: "That's so good!"
1. Jin Pinggong: the king of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period.
2. Yu: Xiang.
3. Shi Kuang: Ziye, a musician of Jin Dynasty in the Spring and Autumn Period. He is blind, but still loves learning and has extremely high attainments in music.
4. Du: Originally it means "it's late", here it means "it's late".
5. He: Why
6. Hold the candle: Light the candle. In ancient times, there were no candles, so torches were called candles. Bing: lit.
7. An: How
8. Play: teasing.
9. Blind minister: A blind minister. Shi Kuang was blind, so he called himself a blind minister.
10. Chen: The title of a minister to the monarch.
11. Wen: Hearing.
12. And: the tables are parallel, and.
13. Yang: sunshine.
14. What is better between lighting a candle and walking in the dark?
15. Which one: equivalent to "...with (with)...which (who) is like?".
16. Ignorance: walking in the dark. Ambiguity, darkness.
17. Shanzai: Well said!
18. The rising sun: the rising sun, the morning sun.
19. The light of the sun: the sunlight at noon.
20 .Good: Hobby.
21. Selected from "Shuo Yuan"
22. For: Zuo
23. Young: Young
There is no end to learning in life, and you should learn at any time.
Although "old and eager to learn" is not as good as "few and eager to learn" and "strong and eager to learn, it is better than not learning at all. Live and learn until you are old."
If you want to be determined to learn, you should start from now and seize the day, only in this way can you achieve a career.