2, the sky is healthy, the gentleman strives for self-improvement, the terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. It means that the natural movement of heaven is just strong and healthy. Correspondingly, a gentleman should behave like heaven, strive for self-improvement, be resolute and resolute, and strive for strength, and never stop. The momentum of the earth is thick and smooth, and a gentleman should increase his virtue and accommodate everything;
3. Make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, carry forward the past and learn from the past, and make peace for all generations. Put forward by Zhang Zai, it means to establish the heart of life for heaven and earth, to point out a road for the people to follow, to inherit the knowledge that Confucius and Mencius and other previous sages did not pass on, and to open up a permanent and peaceful foundation for future generations.