The original text of Mencius Gong Sunchou
Gong Sunchou asked, "The master can be a master of the world, but it is the same. So is it tempting? " Mencius said, "No! I am not tempted at forty. " He said, "If it is, the master will go far beyond Meng Ben." Said, "It's not difficult. I won't be tempted until I sue." Say, "Is there a way to be indifferent?" Say: "Yes. Bei Gong's courage is also brave, he doesn't care about his skin, he doesn't run away, and he thinks that he will be defeated by others. If he is blamed on the city, he will not be affected by the brown and broad, nor will he be affected by the king of Wan Cheng; Depending on the king who stabbed Wan Cheng, if he stabbed Brown, there would be no strict princes, and the evil voice would be the opposite. Meng' s charity is also brave, saying:' Seeing the invincible is still better than winning; It is also a fear of the three armed forces to outnumber the enemy and lag behind, and to worry about winning and then meeting. Can you give up to win? I can be fearless. " Meng's charity seems like a child, and Bei Gong's is like a summer. The courage of the husband's second son is unknown, but Meng gave alms and kept his promise. Ceng Zi, a former scholar, called Zi Xiang, saying,' Is Zi brave? I have tasted Wen Dayong more than the master. Instead, I don't shrink. Although I am brown and broad, I don't care. On the contrary, I have shrunk. Although there are thousands of people, I will go. " Meng's spirit of giving alms is not as good as Ceng Zi's keeping his promise. "