This is in line with Confucius' thought, "Therefore, people are not only relatives, but also children, so that the old and the strong can use them and the young can raise them." .
Filial piety can be shown in front of parents, and a filial piety is a good child; Aunt Weng can be filial, but she falls on filial piety and morality.
Don't slow down when parents call; Parents, don't be lazy.
A good wife and husband have few disasters, a filial son and a generous father.
The body is a skin injury, and parents dare not hurt it. Filial piety is also the beginning.
Standing on the street, leave your name for your parents in future generations.
Parents should use good meals first, and parents should wear good clothes first.
Don't teach your parents to suffer, and don't teach them to worry.
To ask how to treat filial piety, filial piety is not just food and clothing; Filial piety is not to teach parents to be angry, but to love, respect and be filial.
The kind crow is still nursing, and the lamb is still kneeling and nursing.