1. Background
The concept of parallel universes was not proposed because of the time travel paradox. It comes from quantum mechanics, because quantum mechanics has an uncertainty, that is Quantum uncertainty. The concept of parallel universes was proposed thanks to the scientific discovery of modern quantum mechanics. In the 1950s, some physicists discovered that the quantum state they observed was different every time they observed quantum particles. Since all matter in the universe is composed of quanta, these scientists speculate that since each quantum has a different state, the universe may not be just one, but may be composed of multiple similar universes.
2. Development process
Prototype of thought
In the 5th century BC, Democritus proposed the concept of "countless worlds" and believed that "countless worlds" It is formed by the movement of atoms. He said: "Atoms move randomly in the void, and because of their sharp and messy motion, they collide with each other, and when they collide with each other, they collude with each other because of their various shapes. , thus forming the world and the things in it, or rather forming countless worlds."
In the 1st century BC, Lucretius pointed out that there is something beyond our "visible world". There are "other worlds" inhabited by "other races of men and beasts."
In the 4th century BC, Epicurus expressed the idea of ??world plurality: "There are an infinite number of worlds. , some of them are like our world, and some are not like our world. "In all worlds, there are animals, plants and other things that we see in this world."
Lay. Bunitz proposed his concept of "possible worlds" and imagined that there are infinitely many "possible worlds" outside the scope of the necessary world (the observable universe). He believes that the world is composed of infinite monads. There is no causal relationship between monads, but a certain predetermined harmonious relationship. Although the monads are independent, there are extremely high and low differences between them. Leibniz explained the emergence of a certain real event, for example, a specific person, as the result of the combination of many monads. The results of various combinations are related to the dominant role of the superior monad among the monads. This means that the world can look different and that every event is accidental, even the entire universe.
Officially proposed
Physicist Everett proposed his own ideas on the quantum measurement problem. He pointed out that in quantum mechanics, there are multiple parallel worlds. In each world, the results of each quantum mechanical measurement are different, so different histories occur in different parallel universes. The many-worlds interpretation holds that observation of a measuring device causes the measuring device to be decomposed into two. And this decomposition continues along this measurement chain. Along with this disintegration, there must be a complete duplication of the universe. In other words, as long as a quantum measurement occurs, then each branch of the universe and the components in this branch will lead to a possible measurement result. Everyone in a particular branch of the universe believes that his measurements and universe are the only ones that exist. In other words, a measurement creates a new universe. Unless these different new universes are exactly the same, there is no possibility of them overlapping. The publication of this theory marked the formal introduction of the concept of parallel universes.
3. Current Research Status
Existence Evidence
Cosmologists believe that parallel universes may be detected. When the universe where people live is between the universe and another parallel universe, When they collide, they leave traces in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Once the orbiting telescope discovered suspicious traces in the background radiation, it was suggested that it may be coming from another parallel universe. British astronomers claim to have found evidence supporting the theory of parallel universes. By studying the cosmic microwave background radiation pattern, they discovered four circular patterns formed by "cosmic friction", which indicates that our universe may have entered other universes at least four times.
In August 2007, scientists discovered a huge cold spot while studying the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) signal. It was completely "empty", without any normal matter or dark matter, and no Radiation signals, why there is such a weird space-time in the universe. In order to find this answer, scientists believe that this is evidence of another universe. The cold spot phenomenon may allow cosmologists to draw a conclusion, suggesting that there are parallel universes outside the universe where people live.
Scientists have discovered through radiation data observed by the Planck telescope that our universe may be one of one billion universes. For the first time, there is evidence that parallel universes exist.
The map drawn by the Planck telescope shows the distribution of microwave background radiation. Scientists believe that the residual radiation from the late Big Bang is evenly distributed in the universe, especially in the southern sky. Dr. Laura Mercini-Houghton, a theoretical physicist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Richard Holman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, predicted the abnormal radiation in 2005. exists, and it is believed that the abnormal radiation distribution is caused by the existence of parallel universes. Dr. Messini-Houghton believes that the data from the Planck detector supports the hypothesis of the existence of parallel universes, which means that there are infinitely many universes outside the universe we live in, precisely because of the drag of other universes. The effect causes unevenly distributed radiation in the southern sky.
Based on the data from the Planck detector, Dr. Mersini Horton believes that his hypothesis has been proven. There are more parallel universes outside the universe where people live. Because these universes The existence of , has led to anomalies in background radiation, all of which are reflected in cold spot spacetime that cannot be explained by cosmological theory. The Planck Space Telescope, affiliated with the European Space Agency, has very high observation accuracy, and the precise CMB images it draws open a door to another time and space for scientists.
However, there is no direct evidence that proves the existence of parallel universes.