The second generation, skinner: reinforcement theory. The consequences of behavior strengthen human behavior.
The third generation, Bandura, social learning theory. Human behavior is learned from observation. Reciprocal determinism.
Modern behaviorism combined with cognitive psychology developed into cognitive behaviorism.
Human behavior is determined by the interaction between individual internal factors and external environmental factors.
Behaviorism is one of the main schools of modern American psychology, and it also has the greatest influence on western psychology.
Behaviorism can be divided into old behaviorism and new behaviorism.
The representative of the old behaviorism is headed by Watson.
The main representatives of new behaviorism are Skinner and others.
Main points: The main point of behaviorism is that psychology should not study consciousness, but should only study behavior and completely oppose behavior and consciousness. In terms of research methods, behaviorism advocates the use of objective experimental methods rather than introspection.
The main points can be summarized as follows:
(1) mechanical materialism determinism;
(2) It is considered that psychology is a natural science and a department that studies human activities and behaviors, which requires psychology to give up all relations with consciousness;
(3) The objective method of behaviorism is strongly demanded to oppose and replace the introspective method.