1. It is easy for a gentleman to do things but difficult to say. If you don't talk about it in a way, you don't say it; if you use it to make others, you should use it. It is difficult for a villain to do things but it is easy to say them. Although it is not explained in the way, it is said; and it is also used to make others prepare.
2. The death of one person is a tragedy, but the death of millions is just a statistic.
3. Words are the voice of the heart; writing is the picture of the heart; sounds and pictures are the shapes that gentlemen and villains see.
4. What is an apology, a false comfort! Get away from me!
5. Are you a villain? If you are unhappy or angry, you are a villain. If others are wrong, don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes? You are wrong, why bother with yourself?
6. Do you think everyone believes you? But let's deal with it on the surface. We all understand your hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and sourness.
7. Don’t make enemies of villains, villains have their own enemies.
8. Villains also have the comfortable life of villains.
9. The villain has power that others cannot estimate, but the villain has always ignored his own power.
10. The shameless super loudspeaker is the shame of the Eskimos.
11. As long as you are on the righteous side, no matter how despicable the means, you can be forgiven.
12. We are all villains, and no one cares about the villain’s joys and sorrows.
13. When people go away, things remain empty, but those with disabilities still value them! Why is it broken?
14. A gentleman is a friend of a gentleman who has the same ideals, and a villain is a friend of a villain who has the same interests.
15. The farthest distance in the world is not the end of the world, or the separation between life and death, but the fact that I was born in the motherland, but I don’t know what is happening in the motherland.
16. Da Shi is like a straight string, while a villain is like a hook.
17. Don’t drag yourself in front of me. It’s like two to five or eighty thousand, just put on a pose and show off!
18. The hippopotamus crushed by Noah’s Ark, the new volcanic vent.
19. How far is forever? Just get as far away from me as you kid!
20. I know you are good, you don’t need to show off.
21. I’m sorry to make you laugh.
22. Confucius once said: "A gentleman is harmonious but different; a villain is homogeneous but not harmonious." A gentleman can live in harmony with other people with individual personalities, while villains are the same on the surface, but behind the scenes they all do their own things and have their own thoughts. ulterior motive.
23. If you learn to be sincere, I think the people around you will no longer vomit after you turn around.
24. When a villain rushes towards the big era, how many injuries are lurking around.
25. Cheng Ying often walks in the rivers and lakes, and he knows that the only way to deal with villains is to be even more villains!
26. How can the beauty of the world be brought out without your presence
27. I didn’t expect a person to be so innocent, and also very silly and naive!
28. You will never see me when I am the loneliest, because I am the loneliest only when you are not by my side.
29. If you are mentally prepared, please make good use of the villains around you and use them to exercise your mind.
30. The villain is shameless and values ??profit over death. If you are not afraid of people's execution, you will not care about material discussions.