If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. A gentleman is concerned about the road and not about poverty.
Three friends will benefit you, and three friends will harm you. Friends who are straightforward, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. That’s right; friends are friendly, friendly and gentle, friends are sycophantic, it’s the loss of clever words and charm, rare and benevolent!
When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn, when I was thirty, I was established, when I was forty, I was not confused, and when I was fifty, I knew the destiny. At sixty, the ears are obedient; at seventy, one can follow the heart's desires without exceeding the rules.
Learning without thinking will lead to indifference; thinking without learning will lead to danger. A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes soil; a gentleman cherishes punishment, and a villain Huaihui. A gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit.
A gentleman wants to be fluent in words, but quick in action.
Quality is better than literature, which leads to wildness, and literature is better than quality, which is history. Literary quality is gentle. , and then the gentleman. The wise are happy in water, and the benevolent are happy in mountains. The wise are active, and the benevolent are quiet. The wise are happy, and the benevolent are long-lived. A wise man cannot be ungrateful, and the road ahead is long and long.
Believe in learning and stick to death. The good way. Don't enter a dangerous country, and don't live in a chaotic country. If the world has a way, you will see it, but if there is no way, you will hide it. If the country has a way, poverty and humbleness will be shameful. If the country has no way, it will be shameful if it is rich and noble.
The Master said when he was on the river: "The deceased is like a man! He did not give up day and night!"
The future generations are to be feared. How can we know that those who come are not as good as they are now? At forty or fifty, no one has heard of it. This is not enough to be afraid of. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the ambition.
As the years get colder, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither.
Those who know will not be confused, and those who are kind will not worry. , A brave man is not afraid to look at anything that is inappropriate, hear nothing that is inappropriate, say something that is inappropriate, and do nothing that is inappropriate.
Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.
."Life and death have their destiny, Wealth and honor are in heaven. "A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. Why should a gentleman have no brothers?
The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man; but the villain is. A gentleman will make friends with his literature and help his benevolence with his friends.
If the name is not correct, then the words will not go smoothly; If the punishment is not correct, then the people will do nothing wrong. If their body is upright, they will not do what they are told. If their body is not upright, they will not follow orders.