The ancients said, "A word from a gentleman is a promise that cannot be recalled." Remember "Ceng Zi Kill the Pig" which appeared many times in the book "Morality and Society"? Ceng Zi's wife wants to go shopping. In order to get rid of her son's entanglement, she bluffed and said, "Mom will come back and kill the pig for you." When Ceng Zi's wife came back, she saw Ceng Zi with a big knife ready to kill the pig. She quickly stepped forward and said, "I'm scaring my son. You are serious. Put the knife down quickly. " Ceng Zi said, "alas! Parents are the children's first teachers, and the children are still young. We adults talk and do things, and children will follow suit. If you cheat your son, you are teaching him to cheat! Therefore, we must fulfill our promise and set a good example for our children. " I killed the pig as soon as I finished. If Ceng Zi had listened to his wife, the pigs at home would have been saved, but for his son, he might never believe his mother's words again, and he didn't understand the necessity of honesty and trustworthiness.
"The Wolf is coming! "The story, you are familiar with it! In the story, the little shepherd boy cheated the farmers at the foot of the mountain twice. When the wolf did come, his words were no longer believed. It was because of his lies that the sheep was eaten. Doesn't this story tell us more about the seriousness of dishonesty?
Therefore, everyone should be honest and trustworthy! Start with me, start with us. We should be honest good students at school and honest good children at home. Remember President Hu Jintao's idea of "being honest and trustworthy, and being ashamed of forgetting righteousness". Let integrity flood the whole society!