Confucius said: "people who know how to learn are not as good as those who like to learn;" People who love learning can't compare with those who like learning.
Japanese educator Kimura Kuiyi said: "Genius means strong interest and tenacious infatuation." .
Einstein said, "Interest is the best teacher."
Dr. Chen Jianxiang said: "When a child devotes himself or herself to something, he or she is a genius."
Chen Yi in the Song Dynasty said: "If you are not interested, you will not be happy to learn."
Bruno, an American educator, said: "The greatest motivation for learning is interest in the materials you have learned."
Jingshan School believes that a teacher with the art of climax teaching lies in stimulating children's interest in various ways.
Teacher Yang Shengli thinks: "There are more than 100 good teaching methods with strong interest."
Suhomlinski said: "Children should have a super-syllabus subject and a favorite job when they are twelve or thirteen years old.
Holbat, the founder of modern pedagogy, established an interest-based pedagogy system.
Dewey, the representative of modern pedagogy, attached great importance to interest and developed Holbart's interest theory.
There is no need to argue about interests (ancient Rome)
Where there is no interest, there is no memory (Goethe)
When I was young, I was easy to forget things because of my wide interests; When you get old, you will forget because of lack of interest (Goethe)
Learning must conform to one's own interests in order to benefit, (Shakespeare)
I think only "love" is the best teacher in all situations-(Einstein)
Dewey: Interest is the signal and symbol of growth ability. ..... Interest shows the initial ability.