Zeng Guofan's famous saying (first paragraph): When scholars study, they must first have ambition, secondly have knowledge, and thirdly have perseverance. If you have ambition, you will never be willing to be humble. If you have knowledge, you know that knowledge is endless and you dare not be satisfied with just one thing. Just like the river boy looking at the sea, like the well frog looking at the sky, both of them have no vision. With perseverance, nothing can be accomplished. All three are indispensable.
(The first paragraph): Scholars reading, the first to aspire, the second to have knowledge, the third should be constant. Aspirational, then off unwilling to flow Knowledge, knowledge is endless, not to be self -sufficient. Such as the river Bo's view of the sea, such as the well-being of the frog, all without knowledge also. There is constant , then everything is broken. The three are indispensable.
( Second paragraph): When a person does something, he must concentrate on it with all his energy. It is unremitting from beginning to end, and there is no change in thoughts. Do this, think that. Sit on this mountain and look at that mountain. People have no permanence and achieve nothing throughout their lives.
(Paragraph 2): When a man does something, he must concentrate fully on this matter. End to end, can not see the difference. Do this, like that. Sitting on this mountain, looking at that mountain. Without constant people, life is nothing.