Lucifer: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. Chinese: I would rather be a king in Hell than a slave in Heaven
That’s probably it, and there are pictures that don’t seem to be roads. Lucifer: I am that angel. When I saw the good side of human nature, although all the angels warned me not to get close to humans who are like ants, but I still stood up to help humans and taught them how to fight against angels, so all the angels stopped interacting with me and were even hostile to me. But human beings are greedy, and their nature is endless. They think this is what I, an angel, should do, and even asked me to die so that they could gain power comparable to other angels. So I got angry and killed me. I lost a lot of human beings and got the punishment I deserved. After that, I became a fallen angel. I can neither survive among angels nor among humans...
Lucifer: I live by myself Like a will-o'-the-wisp, trying to illuminate others
Lucifer: I want to rise above the high clouds. I want to be equal with the Most High.
This is what others said about Lucifer:
When you go down to the underworld, the underworld will shake because of you and come to greet you. And because you stirred up the ghosts of the princes who were in the world, and caused those who were kings of the nations to stand up from their thrones. ?
They will all speak to you and say, have you also become weak, like us? Have you become like us? ?
Your majesty and the sound of your lyres and harps descend to the underworld. What you have on the bottom bunk is worms, and what is on top of your bunk is maggots. ?
O bright star, son of the morning, why have you fallen from the sky? How come you, who conquered all nations, are cut down to the ground? You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mountain of assembly, in the uttermost part of the north,?
But you will descend into Hades, into the deepest parts of the pit?
Everyone who sees you will be Is this the man who fixes his eyes on you and pays attention to you and says, "Is this the man who makes the earth tremble and the nations shaken?
He makes the world like a wilderness and overturns the cities and does not release the captives to their homes."
The kings of the nations sleep in the glory of their own graves.
But you are forsaken, and shall not be taken into your grave, like an abominable branch. He is clothed with the slain, the one who was pierced with the sword and fell down to the stones in the pit. You are like a trampled corpse again. ?
You shall not be buried with kings, for you have ruined your kingdom and killed your people. The names of the descendants of the wicked will never be mentioned.
Lucifer: If there cannot be love, let me become a tolerant god...
Then let hatred make me a vicious demon...
If heaven is really a scam, then...
Maybe I...should have been in the devil world long ago,
Let me fall.
My devil,
let my wings be blackened with hatred,
let my body be filled with strength,
let me Fly again under your bloody sky
Fly again!
My devil...
Let me fall...