"Water can carry a boat and overturn it" is an idiom in China, which comes from Xunzi Wang Zhi: "There is a saying:' Jun can sail, Shu Ren can sail, and water can carry a boat and overturn it." This is also called. "
Vernacular explanation: the monarch is like a ship, and the people are like water. Water can make a ship run and sink it. Metaphorically, the people can support or overthrow the monarch.
The horse disturbed the car, so the people in the car could not ride safely; People interfere with politics, and those in power cannot be content with their official positions. Let the horse be quiet, it is better to scare the car; If ordinary people disturb politics, it is better to give them benefits. Select talents. Recommend honest people, advocate filial piety and love for relatives and friends, adopt widows, and help the poor. If so, ordinary people will feel at ease politically, and then gentlemen will be content with their political status.
Legend: "Jun is the ship; Ordinary people are water. Water can carry a boat or overturn it. " That's what I'm saying. The king wants peace, and it is best to be diligent and love the people; If you want to get wealth, you'd better treat the scholars with grand etiquette; In order to gain fame, it is best to respect and appoint talented people, which is a major event related to the safety and survival of rulers.
Extended data
Xunzi (about 365438 BC+03 BC-238 BC), Ming Qing, was born in Huaxia (Han nationality) and Zhao at the end of the Warring States Period. A famous thinker, writer and politician, he is called "Xun Qing". It was also called in the Western Han Dynasty because it avoided the taboo of Emperor Gaozu, and because the words "Xun" and "Sun" were homophony. He served as a drinking ceremony for Xia Ji Gong Xue in Qi State for three times, and was later ordered by Chu Lanling (located in Lanling County, Shandong Province).
Xunzi developed Confucianism. On the issue of human nature, he advocated the theory of evil nature, advocated that human nature was evil, denied the innate moral concept, and emphasized the influence of acquired environment and education on people. His theory is often compared with Mencius' theory of good nature by later generations, and Xunzi has also made considerable contributions to sorting out Confucian classics.
Xunzi's position in the Confucian system can be understood from the following three aspects:
1. Xunxue has the spirit of academic criticism and inclusive consciousness, which embodies the historical trend of academic integration during the Warring States Period. No matter from which point of view, the academic history and ideological history value of Xunzi is worth exploring.
2. Xunzi made a great contribution to the teaching of Confucian classics. Confucianism in Han Dynasty originated not only from Xunzi, but also from the study of The Book of Songs and even the Spring and Autumn Annals. Wang Zhong, a Confucian scholar in the Qing Dynasty, wrote the General Theory of Xunqing Zi, arguing that "Xunqing's learning originated from Confucius, and he made a detailed textual research on Xunzi's Classic Biography, which was basically recognized by scholars who studied the history of Confucian classics. Contemporary scholar Xu also spoke highly of Xunzi's position in the history of Confucian classics.
3. Xunzi pays attention to the changes in the real world and is full of dedication. Xunzi gave lectures in Qi, served as an official in Chu, discussed soldiers in Zhao, discussed politics in Yan and discussed customs in Qin, which had no influence on the society at that time. Confucius did not enter Qin, but Xunzi praised Qin's politics and customs, and criticized him for "lack of Confucianism". This shows that he is still trying to expand the political space of Confucianism on the premise of adhering to the basic beliefs of Confucianism. Swinging between politics and scholarship, Xunzi's practical learning spirit should be the goal of Dong Zhongshu, a Confucian scholar in Han Dynasty. They all contributed to the adaptation of Confucianism to the times and the search for new development.
Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Xunzi Wang Zhi
Baidu Encyclopedia-Xunzi (thinker and educator of Zhao State at the end of the Warring States Period)