Xiang Mu: Books have three precepts; Beginners' distribution, uneven knowledge of rules, inactivity and stagnation; Finally, you can be proficient and abstain from madness and vulgarity.
Wang Xizhi: the situation of Chinese characters should not be broad at the top and narrow at the bottom, so it is disproportionate to emphasize light. Divide the room into white cloth, the distance should be even, the upper and lower places should be appropriate, and it is natural and stable.
Yan Zhenqing: If you want to write a book, you should anticipate the font, arrange it smoothly, or accidentally create a strange situation, which is called coincidence.
Ou Yangxun: For beginners, first make a general idea, set it horizontally and straightly, and treat the cloth and white to make it even.
Wang Xizhi: divide the cloth and white, and the distance should be even.
Jiang he: there are three things in cloth and white; The word is white, the word is white, and the line is white. The distribution of beginners must be stopped evenly; If you know that you stop evenly, you will seek change, and you will be inclined and scattered.