According to the statistics, an anchor who has 1, followers and still runs a business earns no less than 1, yuan a month. For example, the fee for a tweet like "Si Zhen" is between 9, and 1.8 million yuan.
Let's take the account of Mr. Luo Xiang on Station B as an example. When you reach a certain level, you will get "creative incentive rights". When you get this right, every time you send a video, you will be given money, which will give you intense creation according to the amount of your video broadcast, the amount of messages, the coin, etc. The higher the broadcast volume, the more creative incentives you will have.
Mr. Luo Xiang has more than 19 million fans at Station B. So far, he has released 211 videos, which is about an average of three days to release a video on legal science. With this update frequency, it can be seen that Mr. Luo Xiang is actually very productive, which also shows that Mr. Luo Xiang is really a person who likes to share. At the same time, many people say that teacher Luo Xiang's donation behavior also exposes the level of incentive creative income of platform B. Of course, some people doubt that the creative income of Big V is really so small. In fact, if an up main video plays around 1,, the creative incentive is around 15 yuan. The average broadcast volume of Luo Xiang's video is about 1.2 million, and the income of almost one video is about 1,8. There are more than 37, videos in 211 videos. Teacher Luo really donated all the video creation income, which also shows the fairness of the creation income of Station B. There is no difference between the creation income of small V and big V.