After Wei established hegemony in Sanjin, he began the road of attacking and cutting. At first, Yang Le was sent to attack Zhongshan, which was successfully conquered. Later, Wei Wenhou awarded it to his son.
Soon after, Wei Wenhou chatted with his courtiers and suddenly asked them, "What about me as the king of a country?" The following ministers all replied, "You are a kind gentleman." But only one person named Ren Zuo objected. He said:
"Some time ago, you bought the kingdom of Zhongshan, but not to your brother, but directly to your son. How can you say Ren Jun? "
Hearing this, Wei Wenhou flew into a rage and kicked his seat out. Then, he asked Huang Zhai that Huang Zhai was more sensible and replied, "You are Ren Jun." Wei Wenhou then asked, "Where did you see it?" Huang Zhai said to him, "I heard that officials dare to speak out when they know that the national army is in the army. Now I dare to say it, so I can judge that you are Ren Jun. " Wei Wenhou was very happy after hearing this. Of course, he could hear the meaning, so he asked Huang Zhai to recall Ren Zuo, meet him personally in the next class, and treat him as a distinguished guest.
From this short story, we can first know that a good * * * should make subordinates dare to make comments and point out their own shortcomings. Then we can also learn from Huang Zhai that speaking is an art and knowing how to lose face and make people happy is a kind of wisdom.
The story continues to happen.
One day, Wei Wenhou and Tian Zifang were drinking together. In ancient times, when princes and nobles drank, there was music around them, and this time was no exception. When Wei Wenhou and Tianzifang wandered around,
When the chime sounded the beautiful tone of Gong's horn feather, Wei Wenhou suddenly stopped drinking and said seriously, "The chime tone is inconsistent, and the one on the left is high." Perhaps Wei Wenhou was very proud of his keen insight, but Tian Zifang next to him smiled disapprovingly. Wei Wenhou was puzzled and asked him, "Why are you laughing?" .
Tian Zifang replied: "I heard that' you know a lot of musicians, but you don't know the music'. Now, your review of music sounds is so clear, I am afraid that music officials will be less censored. "
Wei Wenhou was ashamed after hearing this. He recognized Tian Zifang's words and said, "Good!"
This story is a bit obscure, but it is worth thinking about. Let me explain:
Wei Wenhou was sharp-eyed, but Tian Zifang didn't recognize him because he was sharp-eyed. Imagine that a * * * who doesn't care about the heads of subordinate departments and doesn't directly intervene in the specific events of these heads can be a good leader? Definitely not.
First of all, doing so will consume a lot of energy, distract the real focus of work, and easily make yourself exhausted.
Secondly, this will easily lead to the negative emotions of the heads of directly affiliated departments, which will make them more lax in management, thus the whole system will collapse from the inside. As the saying goes, "people are there, no disciples", and leaders will also make the whole system of the department inefficient.
So this story tells us that a strong observation is not necessarily a good thing. Knowing how to delegate and choose is the real art of leadership.
Then, I remembered Zhuge Liang.
At the end of Shu Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang made a Northern Expedition and confronted Sima Yi in Wuzhangyuan. Sima Yi avoided the war and accurately judged that Zhuge Liang's life was coming to an end. The reason is also very strange:
Sima Yi once asked the envoys who came to fight: "How did Zhuge Gong eat?" The envoy replied, "Eat three or four liters of rice." When asked about political affairs, the messenger replied that Zhuge Liang was busy with everything and did everything by himself, and described it as: "Anyone who was fined more than 20 times is introspective." It was through these questions and answers that Sima Yi judged that Zhuge Liang was dying. Sure enough, Zhuge Liang died of overwork in Wuzhangyuan that month, and his fame finally led to the Northern Expedition.
Zhuge Liang is certainly a wise man, and Sima Yi is also a wise man, but Sima Yi's cleverness is more like that of a ruler. He knows real management and is calm all his life. This character is worth talking about. We should read his legend well in the future.
On the basis of loving talents, honesty and responsibility, Wei Wenhou's management skills add two points: Ambassador honest and frank knows how to delegate power. However, this story of Mingjun has not been finished yet, and the next article will continue to interpret him and learn from him the way of management.