Hydra, today people mostly think that it originated from NAZIHYDRA, but this is not the case. NAZIHYDRA is just a branch of Hydra in its long history, and cannot be regarded as the orthodox Hydra. NAZIHYDRA was founded by Red Skull following the concepts of Hydras of all ages, and is not an orthodox Hydra.
The orthodox Hydra organization co-exists with various historical branches and silently funds the development of each branch. The origin of the orthodox Hydra organization is quite early. About 1,400 years ago, a powerful superhuman appeared on the earth, and this superhuman was sent to a distant planet because of his excessive ability. The purpose of Hydra's establishment is to bring this superhuman back. The branches and main branches of Hydra in each period must pass through the black stone portal (the stone that swallowed Yerma that appeared at the end of the second season of the American TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) to transport people to the planet where the superpowers are located, in order to save or It is to serve people with special abilities (now known as "Far Star Project").
NAZI HYDRA is the main hostile force of SHIELD. It was once affiliated with Nazi Germany in World War II (it split from Nazi Germany in the middle and late stages of the movie "Captain America 1"); it later succeeded after a failure. Infiltrate SHIELD (the decent organization in the Marvel Universe), and later successfully defeat SHIELD and force SHIELD to go into hiding. Its symbol is a skull with snake feet underneath, and its slogans are "Hail Hydra" and "Cut off one head and two more will grow."
According to the plot development of the eighth episode of the third season of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", the history of Hydra may be traced back to before World War II. The purpose of this organization for more than a thousand years is to rescue the exiled The evil alien leader from the alien planet, thus controlling the alien race to rule the world[1]. Hydra also infiltrated ATCU and used this organization to activate aliens to fight for itself. Hydra Quote: Cut off one head, and two more will grow back.
Slogan: Hail Hydra