The classic sayings in "Mencius" include: To criticize you is to be respectful, to be honest and to shut up evil is to be respectful, but I cannot be called a thief. Wealth and honor cannot be lascivious, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot bend. Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. Those who have attained the truth will receive much help, while those who have lost the truth will receive little help. When I am old, I am as old as other people, and when I am young, I am as young as other people.
1. I blame you for what you call respectful, Chen Shan shuts up evil and calls it respectful, but I cannot call you a thief.
From: "Mencius Li Lou Shang" by Mencius during the Warring States Period.
Translation: To hold the king to high standards is called "reverence"; to suggest good ideas to the king and block bad ones is called "respect"; to think that one's king cannot implement benevolent government is called "thief".
2. Wealth and honor cannot lead to adultery, poverty and lowliness cannot move, and power cannot bend.
From: "Mencius: Duke Teng Wenxia" by Mencius during the Warring States Period.
Translation: When you are rich and powerful, you can control yourself without squandering. When you are poor, you should not change your will. When you are in power, you cannot change your attitude. This is a man.
3. Those who work hard will govern others, and those who work hard will govern others.
From: "Mencius Teng Wengong" by Mencius during the Warring States Period.
Translation: Those who work with their brains rule others, and those who work with their hands are ruled by others.
4. Those who have gained the right will receive many help, while those who have lost the right will receive little help.
From: "Mencius Gongsun Chouxia" by Mencius during the Warring States Period.
Translation: If you stand on the side of justice and benevolence, you will get support and help from the majority of people. If you go against morality and benevolence, you will inevitably be isolated.
5. Old people are like old people and people are old; young people are like young people and people are young.
From: "Mencius: King Hui of Liang" by Mencius during the Warring States Period.
Translation: Respect and love the elderly in your own family, and also respect other elderly people. Take care of your own children and take care of other people's children.