The difference between Render 2 and Render 3 is that Render 3 uses adjusting materials, while Render 2 uses hand-drawn 2D animation to create a three-dimensional CGI animation effect. In the field of animation, the third rendering and the second rendering are to adjust the material, such as uniformizing the diffuse reflection, judging the shadow range through shadow rays, coloring a hard edge with equal brightness, adding strokes and a series of adjustments to make the effect look close to traditional hand-drawn 2D animation. , essentially still a 3D animation.
How to use cel shading
Cel shading is a derealistic rendering technique that aims to give 3D graphics a 2D hand-painted texture. Animations such as The Land of Gemstones, People, I am Jiang Xiaobai, Jian Wang 3 Heroes of Gan Yi and Courageous Sword Hearts, Warring States Fan, etc. have all used this technology.
Compared with ordinary 2D and 3D animation, the advantages of 3D animation are to solve the production bottleneck, provide a freer way to move the camera, maintain the art style of 2D animation and solve the problem of painting collapse.
At present, three-rendering and two-rendering animation has become a separate category abroad, including Japan, a major animation industry country, which is enough to illustrate its importance to the development of the entire animation industry.