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What are the seven world famous sayings that inspire American students?

1. Need a heart full of grace. The soul born of love "-Martin Luther King.

one of the benefits of volunteering is that anyone can participate. Without the prerequisites or admission criteria for entering a university, you won't be interviewed like looking for a new job. Don't worry about performance evaluation or exams, and don't write papers. All you need is input and enthusiasm to make the world a better place, no matter what your interest field is. By opening your heart to others and volunteering, you will automatically succeed, and by giving yourself freely, you will achieve great success.

2. "Compassion is not enough-you must take action"-The Dalai Lama

This voluntary quotation of the Dalai Lama may be one of the most powerful quotations in the era when the activism of talking on paper has reached the highest level in history. It is very easy to share the good news of Facebook or express your views on social injustice or environmental damage on Twitter. But are you really willing to give up your time and energy to realize the change you preach? Those who choose to volunteer are taking extra measures to make the world a better place. As they say, actions speak louder than words, and this is absolutely true when sympathizing with others.

3. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in serving others"-Gandhi

A lot of research has confirmed the benefits of volunteering, not only for the affected communities, but also for individuals. This is a good way to enhance self-confidence and learn leadership skills in an environment of understanding and support. You may meet like-minded people, who will become lifelong friends, or people who will inspire you by devoting their lives to serving others. In an era when we are becoming more individualistic and isolated, volunteering also shows that it can help solve mental health problems by providing a sense of community that may be lost.

If you volunteer in a poor community or a country with insufficient development, your view of life may also change. When serving those less fortunate than you, problems that may be important to you in your own life may take a back seat, and your problems suddenly don't look like the end of the world! You may also find new passions or career paths that you haven't considered before.

4. "Willing to share does not make you a charity; It makes a person free "-Robert Blaut

In many developed countries, our way of life is not naturally inclined to charity. As far as academic achievements and professional prestige are concerned, people attach great importance to "success", but seldom pay attention to safeguarding the overall well-being of us and our fellow human beings in the world.

By sharing your time through voluntary activities, you admit that life is not just about accumulating wealth or being able to show off a luxurious lifestyle on social media. Perhaps you have realized that wealth and happiness are rarely linked, but you can limit a person to wanting more life.

In this regard, volunteering for communities around the world, many of which may be disadvantaged, may be an eye-opening experience. Those who have the least often get the most satisfaction in life and find happiness in family and cultural traditions. By sharing your time, you can also experience the freedom it brings, rather than the traditional "success".

5. "I want to do something great and wonderful, but I must start by doing those great and wonderful little things." -Albert Einstein

In a world obsessed with celebrities, being famous seems to be the only way to leave a mark or be remembered in the world. However, when you volunteer, you can do some wonderful things that affect many people's daily lives. You may not see your name in the headlines, but that doesn't mean you haven't changed, or people whose lives are affected won't remember you kindly. When you devote yourself passionately to a cause, you are doing a great and wonderful thing, which is the first step to change the world.

6. "Start by doing the necessary things; Then do everything possible; Suddenly, you are doing the impossible.

if you watch the evening news and look at the current situation of the world, people are often at a loss. You may wonder how any small voluntary action can make an impact when so much suffering and injustice occur every day around the world.

After a natural disaster, it usually looks hopeless and there are so many losses to deal with. But through volunteering and doing necessary things where they are most needed (such as disaster relief), the community can be rebuilt and developed step by step. Over time, they will become sustainable and find a bright future full of opportunities. However, if no one takes the first step, what hope can the seemingly impossible goal be achieved?

7. "The world changes with the way people look at it. If you can change the way people look at reality by even a millimeter, then you can change the world. " James baldwin

If there are no volunteers in your family or social circle, it may seem like one of the things that "others" do. Maybe you don't regard global problems as your problems, or you are not exposed to the benefits of volunteering. But it only takes one person to change people's views on their role in the global society. If enough people participate in making the world a better place and share this experience with family and friends, this new vision will become a reality and bring a brighter future to all.