“Shun was raised among the acres of land, Fu Shuao was raised among the building boards, Jiao Ge was raised among the fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was raised among the scholars, Sun Shuao was raised among the sea, and Baili Xi was raised among the merchants. Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first prepare his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions, so that if his mind and forbearance are moved, he will never be able to benefit him. If you pass it, you can change it; if you are trapped in your mind, you can balance it with worries, and then you can do it; if it is manifested in color, it will be expressed in sound, and then it will be metaphorical. "Die in peace and happiness."
Mencius's "Be born in sorrow and die in peace and happiness!"
Center: Expounds on the issues of cultivating talents and governing the country. In the cultivation of talents, the role of adversity cannot be underestimated; in the governance of the country, if there is no strict law enforcement, outspoken ministers who dare to remonstrate and the intrusion of neighboring countries, the country will They will perish in ease and enjoyment. ZC
1. Translation of new words, key words and sentences
1. Therefore, when Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body. His body is empty, and his actions are chaotic.
Key words: Ren: responsibility, burden. Bitterness, labor, hunger, and deprivation are all verbs used in verbs, which are translated as "to make...pain", "to make...tired" and "to make...suffer from poverty". Fu: disobey, go against, disobey. Chaos: interference, confusion.
Sentence meaning: Therefore, if God wants to assign a major mission to this person, he must first make his heart suffer, make his muscles and bones tired, make his body hungry and thin, and make him suffer from poverty. , what he did was not smooth, which made what he did confusing.
3. Trapped in the heart, balanced by considerations, and then acted; marked by color, produced by sound, and then metaphorised.
Key words: Heng: same as "horizontal", obstruction, refers to disobedience. To work, to rise up, means to make a difference. levy: levy test. Metaphor: Understand, understand.
Sentence meaning: Inner troubles, blocked by thoughts, before you can make a difference; haggard and withered, manifested in color, chanting and sighing in the voice (see his color, hear his voice) , and then people got to know him.
4. If you enter, you will be helpless, and you will be helpless. If you leave, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will be permanently destroyed.
Key words: Enter: inside, referring to the country. Chu: outside, referring to abroad. Legalists: ministers with laws. Fu Shi: A wise man who can assist the monarch. Fu: pronounced bi through "弼", assisting. Heng: always.
Sentence meaning: If there are no ministers who uphold the law and wise men who can assist the monarch at home, and there are no hostile countries and external worries abroad, the country is always in danger of destruction.
5. Born in sorrow and died in happiness. Key words: Health: survival and development.
Sentence meaning: Worry (can inspire people to be diligent) makes people survive and develop, and enjoying peace and happiness makes people feel exhausted and die.
6. Question design and answers
(1) The article talks about the issues of cultivating talents and governing the country. The central argument is: Born in sorrow and died in happiness. ],
(2) The historical figures mentioned in the first paragraph of the article have the same characteristics: they all achieved extraordinary careers after experiencing hardships.
The purpose of using parallelism in the first paragraph is: it is a very powerful explanation that talents are created in a difficult environment.
(3) The sentence in the second paragraph that connects the previous and the following `
Therefore, heaven will give great responsibilities to people, and "it is people" refers to the above six people and other people similar to them.
(4) The second paragraph talks about the role of objective conditions in cultivating talents. The principle explained is: mLx4*
To achieve great things, you must first endure hardships and tempers, which is explained in thinking. The sentence of tempering is: hard work.
The sentences that are tempered in action are: starving one's skin, depleting one's body, and confusing one's actions.
: Sentences that have withstood the test of life: work your muscles and bones, starve your body and skin, and deplete your body. As a result, one's mind and forbearance can be moved, and (the benefits of being tempered) gain what one cannot.
(5) The third paragraph talks about the role of people's subjective factors in talent development, that is: dilemmas can stimulate people's fighting spirit
Write about changes in people's psychological states, trapped in the heart, and balance. Think, then act.
Write the changes in people’s facial expressions. Signified by color, expressed by sound, and then metaphor
(6) The third paragraph discusses the benefits of undergoing training from both positive and negative aspects. From the positive side, training stimulates people's fighting spirit (personal). People always make mistakes, and then they can change. Trapped in the heart, weighed by considerations, and then act; manifested by color, issued by sound, and then metaphorised. _g suggests the reason for the country’s demise (country) from the negative side. If you enter, you will be unable to control the people at home, if you leave, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will be permanently destroyed.
(7) Mencius’ conclusion on governing the country is: if you enter, you will be helpless, and if you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish. Mencius believed that if a country wanted to be prosperous and prosperous, it needed legalists and foreign enemies.
3. Thinking and application. (1) Mencius listed the experiences of six historical figures in the article. It emphasized that "adversity can lead to talent"; today some people believe that "adversity can also lead to talent". What do you think about this? Please give an example.
(2) Some people think that life is better now and "live in sorrow and die in happiness" has lost its practical significance. Please share your views with examples.
Attached are famous quotes and examples that demonstrate the point of view of this article: Gou Jian, lying on the firewood and tasting courage.
Hardships and hardships will bring you success. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal. Worry and labor will rejuvenate the country, and leisure will perish.