"Xi' an Xian Yi se; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I have not studied, I will call it learning. "
In other words, even if your knowledge is almost poor, it doesn't matter if you are polite and do things with all your heart. Although I haven't studied, I will call it learning.
If a person can't even be honest and trustworthy in basic morality, I think Confucius will definitely say that although he is knowledgeable, I will call him an idiot.
Besides, this man's erudition is disguised,
Learned people are useless without honesty, so fake and shoddy learned people are inferior.
People without faith don't know what they can do. How can I do without a big car and a small car?
Believe in the meaning, and you can answer it.