This sentence comes from Cai E's "Quotations of Zeng Hu Zhibing". The original sentence is "When you study, you read, and your mind is not concerned with meeting guests; when you see guests, you see the guests, and your mind is not concerned with meeting guests. Reading. Once you have it, you are private. If things come and go, you will not welcome them. If you don’t care about them at the moment, you will not be in love. "
Lingming and the gods exist. In the world, but not attached to anything.
Accommodate things as they come: Don’t panic and run away from the occurrence and appearance of any thing, just let it take its course.
The future is not welcome: The future has not come yet, but it will definitely come. It is not something you and I can control. Don’t worry too much. Since it is here, welcome it.
Buza at that time: All we have is now, that is, the power and time of the moment.
It’s past but not love: since the past, let it pass, we don’t have to miss it
In fact, this is the embodiment of Chinese traditional cultural thought, not only Taoism or Confucianism, but A comprehensive thought.
Taoism talks about governing by doing nothing, which means to comply with nature, which is the so-called adaptation of things.
Confucianism talks about self-cultivation, harmonizing the family, governing the country and bringing peace to the world. It talks about being poor and benefiting oneself, and being prosperous and benefiting the world. It means setting one's own position without giving up the pursuit.
To use a current word, these thoughts are "seeking truth from facts."
Traditional Chinese thought can be spread for thousands of years, and its inherent vitality is very strong. To a certain extent, it complies with the laws of history and nature. Taking heaven and earth as the foundation and human beings as the main body, we should carry forward the past and open up the future, and make continuous progress.
This can be regarded as Cai E’s motto. Cai E is the "General Songpa" mentioned in "Let the Bullets Fly".
Throughout his life, Cai E paid attention to discerning political trends, followed historical trends, and participated in revolutionary movements; he made outstanding contributions in military theory and war practice. Especially during the war, he participated in the war despite being ill, commanded the inferior army to withstand the attack of the superior enemy, and forced the enemy to cease the war and negotiate a peace. This showed his unswerving and fearless spirit in the face of danger and his heroic spirit of fighting to the end for the country and the people.
In terms of combat guidance, he paid attention to summing up experience in a timely manner, overcoming some of the impatience and one-sidedness that existed during the initial battle, and promptly revised the combat plan and adjusted troop deployment according to changes in the battlefield situation, striving to be proactive and avoid being passive. , basically embodies his own guiding ideology of war of "adapting measures to the times and conditions, assessing the situation in an appropriate manner, and not being a little sluggish".
Quotations of positive energy in class 1 1. There is no limit to learning the sea, but you can cross it diligently, and you ca