Did Confucius or Mencius say this sentence "You are a gentleman"?
Strong and unyielding. This sentence, called a gentleman, was said by Mencius, who wrote Mencius Teng Wengong in the Warring States Period. It means that money status can't confuse and corrupt you, poverty can't change your ambition, and power and force can't make you yield and defect. This is the gentleman. He thinks that sticking to moral integrity is more important than anything else. The background of Mencius' saying this passage is: once, a man named Jing Chun talked with Mencius. Jing Chun believes that Gongsun Yan, a famous lobbyist and Zhang Yi, a famous strategist of Wei State during the Warring States Period, can be "angry and afraid of princes, and live in peace with the world, so they are truly brave. Mencius said that these people "can't be courageous people" and then put forward his own opinions. The three sentences he chose are the standards of a courageous person: wealth is envied, poverty is hated, and power is feared, but he can't be moved by it, showing a noble character of sticking to integrity and righteousness. Once upon a time, there was a satrap who lived a clean life and won the hearts of the people. When he was transferred to Beijing, the local people sent several representatives to see him off. Everyone gave him one hundred dollars to show his gratitude. He resolutely refused to accept it, and insisted on seeing it off, so he had to take only one money from everyone to politely decline it. After you saw him off, people praised his Lian De and called him "the one-dollar satrap". Dao Ming became the county magistrate of Pengze. Eighty-one days after he arrived, I met Du You sent by Xunyang County to inspect official business. Du You of Xunyang County is named Liu Yun, who is famous for his greed for money. He asks for bribes from the county twice a year in the name of patrol, and every time he returns with a full load, otherwise he will plant it. The county official said, "When the belt is fastened, welcome it." Is to dress neatly, prepare gifts, and greet Du You respectfully. Tao Yuanming sighed, "How can I bow down to the children in the village for five buckets of rice?" How can I humbly bribe these little people for the county magistrate's salary of five dou meters? Say that finish, hang the crown. Zhu Ziqing suffered from a serious stomach trouble, but he didn't have the money to treat it. At that time, prices soared, and his salary was only enough to buy three bags of flour, so the whole family 12 people didn't have enough to eat. How can he afford treatment? Wu Han asked him to sign the joint letter of the Anti-American Aid Japan. He looked at haing s ngor and asked, "What's your name?" Wu Han unfolded the folded big paper "to protest that the United States helped Japan and refused to accept American relief flour." Haing Wu Han saw that Zhu Ziqing's family was really poor, so he leaned in and said, "This time, you