Crying that after Yan Hui's death, there was no such good student as Yan Hui. Visible as a student, Yan Hui is very studious. Yan Hui not only studies hard, but also is very clever. Yan Hui's cleverness is often manifested in his thorough understanding of Confucius' thoughts, even his vivid application, but he is often a bit silly. Confucius once said: "It is foolish to retreat for progress, and it is enough to keep your privacy. It is not foolish to retreat for progress." Zi Gong also praised Yan Hui for his cleverness, saying that Yan Hui "only knows one thing and two". A student is studious and clever, how can he not be liked by the teacher?
Another reason is that Yan Hui is a man who demands himself according to the Confucianism taught by Confucius, which can be said to be completely in line with Confucius' requirements for "benevolence", so Confucius did not hesitate to return "benevolence" to Yan Hui. Can Confucius like such a Yan Hui who shapes himself according to Confucius' values? From the above points, it is inevitable that Confucius likes Yan Hui. If I were a teacher in Yan Hui, I would also like a student like Yan Hui.