original text
1. 12 A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most important thing, and ceremony is the most important thing. Wang Zhidao is the first, Sri Lanka is beautiful; Small and big. If you can't do it, then knowing and combining is not feasible. Don't mention it. "
To annotate ...
(1) Ceremony: In the Spring and Autumn Period, "ceremony" generally refers to social laws, regulations and moral norms. Confucius' "ceremony" refers to "rites of the week", etiquette and ceremonies, and also refers to people's moral norms.
(2) Harmony: harmony, harmony, coordination and just right.
(3) Pre-Wang Zhidao: It refers to the way of governing the country of ancient emperors such as Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu and so on. Extended to the traditional political culture of China.
Section (4): Adjustment and restriction.
A son said: "The function of courtesy is to make people live in harmony and social harmony. In ancient times, Saint Wang Zhidao was beautiful in this harmony, and everything, big or small, was for a more harmonious life. However, there will be times when it doesn't work. If it is harmonious for the sake of harmony, there is no principle for harmony, and there is no proper restriction of etiquette, it will not work. "
original text
The essence of Fang Lin's politeness. Confucius said, "What a big problem! Rites are more extravagant than luxury and quite frugal; It's easier to mourn than to grieve. "
To annotate ...
(1): Lu people.
(2) Easy: Take care of things thoroughly.
(3) worry: worry.
When Fang Lin asked what the ceremony was about, Confucius said, "This question you asked is very big and meaningful! General etiquette, rather than luxury, is better than thrift; The funeral ceremony is not so much comprehensive and perfect as sincere grief. "