Note: The moral of the four young monks comes from The Analects. Yan Yuan asked his teacher Confucius what benevolence was. Confucius said that self-denial is benevolence. Yan Yuan asked again, what are the specific requirements? Confucius said, "see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, and don't move if you are evil." Buddhist meditation and Confucian thought of great harmony are skillfully integrated into the thoughts of four young monks.
Etiquette is reason, that is, human behavior norms and internal requirements. In Confucius' view, people have desires when they are alive. Reasonable desire is called justice, and excessive desire is called human desire. So ask for justice from others. In fact, these four sentences ask people to keep their inner conscience, do what they know is good, and stop what they know is evil. Don't let nature take its course.
In modern legal society, courtesy is a legal system and a moral norm. The civilized world has solved the problem of survival, and everyone says to pursue freedom. Freedom can give full play to nature, but excessive freedom will violate the freedom of others and lead to conflict. This requires legal system and moral norms to restrain and restrict people's freedom, so as to ensure that you can be free and others can be free. Freedom without legal restrictions is the thinking of the rule of law, and it is also the ideal of Confucius' "self-denial and courtesy".