Zi said in Sichuan: "The deceased is like a husband, not giving up day and night." Heaven and earth change, the past has passed, the new has continued, and there is no rest. This is the nature of Tao. However, it can be pointed and easy to see, such as a stream. Therefore, I send it here to show people that I hope scholars will check it from time to time without any loss. Cheng Zi said, "This Taoist wind is also. There is no way out for heaven, and there is no way out for cold water. Things are born without poverty, and they are all with the Tao, and they are transported day and night. It is a gentleman's law, constantly striving for self-improvement. But also pure. " He added: "Since the Han Dynasty, Confucian scholars have not known this idea. Seeing the heart of a saint, I am also pure. Purity is also constant, which is a natural virtue. Only when there is the virtue of heaven can we talk about the king, and we are alone. " Stupid press: from now until the end of the article, encourage everyone to study.
"The Analects of Confucius Zi Han" records: "The son said Sichuan, and the deceased was like a husband. Here, the lost words, the notes of Han Confucianism, Erya and Shuowen should all be spoken in words, while the words in ancient annotations can be interpreted in two ways, one is the past and the other is the past. According to the past, the word "death" means death; According to the past, the word "death" means progress. Both of them are well-founded, and it is quite difficult to study which one is right, and it will be found outside the text. Confucius lamented that time flies, so as to encourage himself and his students to cherish time to study.